
Metztil and His Tribe

The numbers asked by Alexander were simply infeasible for Lord Janus. 

Not only was he asking for too much, but the time frame was also too short.

So after a bit of haggling, they settled on a much lower number of 2,000 sailors, with 1,000 of them being sent straight away with the following ships and the other thousand to be sent within the year.

In addition, Alexander was also required to pay an additional 5 million ropal in lost tax revenue to Lord Janus for the eight years they would stay with him.

This came to an average of about 300 ropal per man per year, which was actually on the reasonable side- a peasant for instance typically paid anywhere from 200 to 250 ropals a year, and thus a skilled sailor who earned more was naturally worth more. 


During his stay in the city, Alexander also got to meet with Metztil the tribal chief, although in a much more casual setting.