
Lapitus And Fabiyana

"My lord, I really do not what to say. Something must have happened that caused Lapitus to open the gates early!"

As Lady Felicia and Alexander sat across the table, writing letters, the lady quickly let out these words.                                  

And by the sound of it, she sounded quite concerned, like she was afraid that Alexander would accuse her of deceiving him.

To which Alexander simply gave a light smile, and breezily pronounced, "No worries. I'm sure Lapitus had his reasons. We can ask him when we meet."

The messenger that came to Alexander did reveal the chance that was afforded to Lapitus that enabled them to carry out the move.

But he kept this insider knowledge to himself.

After all, what use did an outsider have knowing these intricacies? 

Lapitus could let his wife know in his own time.

But over on the other side, this mild reaction only proved to make Lady Felicia's head hurt.