
Lady Parthia's Reward (Part-2)

Alexander's offer to make Perikles a viscount made Lady Parthia's eyes instantly flicker with an imperceptible light.

But contrary to what one might think, this was not made because of desire, but out of caution.

As a mother, she of course had no objection to her son becoming a landed noble in principle. 

The trouble was she imagined this particular deal would be a trap for Perikles to accept Alexander.

This was because Lady Parthia felt her boy was not the right fit for the job and worried he would suffer greatly if suddenly thrust into the island's murky political affairs.

And after experiencing the terror of being invaded by Alexander and almost getting her whole family wiped up, Lady Parthia's sole wish now was for her family to safely pass their day without any great upheavals.

Thus she did not want her youngest boy to be 'hanging out with the wrong crowd'.