
Juminus's Struggles (Part-1)

As Perseus's men began to flood out into the backyard, Juminus and his men found themselves completely vulnerable as the screen in front of them began to disappear.

Also, being archers with no shield, as they had given those to the frontlines, meant they could not even go to the front to try and reinstate the blockade.

"Back! Back to the manor!" Hence, Juminus, being their leader shouted out loud, while waving his hand in a fashion to imitate that action.

And fortunately for him, many of the men, especially those who knew him personally responded, and they managed to cluster up around their captain, forming somewhat of an effective fighting force.

And then, being at the rear, these expert soldiers managed to cleverly use the other fleeing man as almost a kind of human shield who distracted the enemy for long enough so that Juminus and his group could quickly perform an orderly retreat.