
Husband And Wife (Part-2)

Facing her half insane husband, Lady Miranda initially had tried to maintain as rational a facade as possible, trying to bring herself to terms with all that he had done.

And perhaps the most astonishing thing was that even after all this, even after all the things he said and all the things he wished to do, at the end of the day, Lady Miranda was still willing to overlook all of them if only he apologized and promised to never repeat them.

Yes, that's right, deep inside, Lady Miranda was of the mind to forget the cheating, forget the fact that her husband was madly in love with her sister, and even overlook the so very damning fact that he had just betrayed them all.

All if only Lord Cassius sincerely repented.

Thus, when Lord Nolan ordered Lord Cassius to go and make up with her, Lady Miranda actually became hopeful.

But two things happened afterward that changed her mind on that.