
Hemicus's Bold Move

Chapter 873

"Hahaha! What is this but only a minor set back?"

It was with such a breezy sentence that Alexander decided to soothe Hemicus's aching heart, presenting the currently, already decided in his mind result, as more of a small inconvenience rather than a decisive defeat, and asking the man that he should not take too much note of it.

"*Nod*" And although it was unknown how much of that Hemicus bought, he at least outwardly appeared to consent.

"Good." That was enough for Alexander, for internally even he was a bit peeved at this loss.

But hiding that slight bitterness, he smiled at the man and then urging his horse forward, started to ride towards his right flanks, leaving Hemicus with the words, "You go too! Quickly!"

With Alexander's command, the cavalry reserves were quickly set into position, forming a solid defensive line ready to act as the rear guard and harass the enemy while the legionaries retreated.