
Guests from Sybarsis (Part-2)

Alexander would admit he was a bit surprised hearing Lord Janus address him as such.

Sure he had expected they would know about the battle.

But being able to not only know about the Jahal mercenary's participation but even more frighteningly their exact number while being 1,600km away was beyond impressive.

This truly astounded him.


Alexander gave a light chuckle to hide this shock and then quickly got down to business,

"So, what can I offer you guys? Paper? Soap? Glass?" He asked.

"Iron." The word was short and sharp, and let out by the lady whose lips quivered and shook as she spoke.

The answer was so quick and impatient that even a child would have been able to able sense they were in really great need of it.

And this sentiment was further reinforced by the grimaced face he noticed Lord Janus pull, making him correctly presume they had likely discussed how to handle the negotiations but the lady had jumped the gun nevertheless.