
Famous Bathhouse (Part-4)

Alexander listened to Claude go on about the marvels of sweating as a kind of miracle cure for perhaps a bit longer than he should have.

By now the large man had gone past his duties as a mere guide and was beginning to sound more like a snake oil man, recounting all the various healthy benefits the place brought.

According to him, the fact that the people of the city rarely ever fell sick was all thanks to bathhouses and all the amenities it provided. 

Now this was perhaps true to a certain extent, as staying clean and healthy did make one more resistant to illness. 

But then Claude also retold how one of his sons had gotten a really high fever and did not look like he was going to make it, but 'miraculously' got better upon using the bath a couple of times, destroying much of his credibility to Alexander.


The young pasha was not a stranger to such tales.