
Convincing The Twins

Alexander first made his way to Hellma and Seelima's room, where the mother-daughter duo seemed to have taken the news relatively well.

Though Hellma scowled at Alexander the entire time, the bigger, mature version of her only smiled sweetly and assured Alexnader that they understood the circumstances and neither of them had any problem with the arrangements whatsoever.

How much of that was true and how Alexander actually believed the dangerous women were similar in quantity- minuscule.

But Alexander's next pair, proved a lot more hostile, as Azura and Azira only screamed and hissed at Alexander after he made the proposal.

"Huh, as if we will go anywhere with you, bad man!" Azira screeched.

"That's right. That's right. We are priestesses of the Temple of Ramuh. We will stay and die here," Azura who appeared a bit more mature reasoned with Alexander.

"Heh," Alexander only sneered, "What kind of priestess gives their temple's wealth away?"