
Anoon's Surrender

As soon as Alexander docked and the man made landfall, he was informed of the origin of the new ship as well as the prize it had contained.

And immediately upon learning of it, the man found himself shooting to the camp clinic his heart dancing with equal parts joy and trepidation.

Joy because if the information was really true, then this could finally be the big break he was going for. Needless to say, such a hostage was invaluable. 

But at the same, there was great trepidation as he thought of the prospects of being disappointed.

And these feelings were so intense that as Alexander approached the large crowded tent housing his query, a part of him wanted to slow down and even turn back.

But such misgivings were only an ethereal illusion, and as the crowd quickly parted seeing Alexander approach a familiar, cheerful voice shot out from its midst to greet him.

"Alexander! You are here! Look what we have got, hah hah!"