
Alexander's Transaction

Alexander was completely and blissfully unaware of the plot against him.

Instead, he was more busy haggling over the price of goods he was set to sell Pasha Farzah and Lady Inayah.

The time of departure for the two was nearing and Alexander had presented the final bill to each of the two nobles.

The bill read:

2,000 tons of civilian iron- 100 million ropals.

500 tons of military-grade steel -100 million.

One crossbow and instant bow sample with ammunition- 10 million.

500 tons of white sugar - 50 million.

10,000 tons of brown sugar -100 million.

10,000 tons of salt - 10 million.

Glasswares of various kinds - 20 million.

Soap, paper, and lingerie for - 10 million.

All of this was to be sold to the two over the coming year.