

Due to the sensitive nature of the establishment, Alexander had asked Ophenia to thoroughly vet all girls to make sure no problem would arise later.

This was also one of the reasons why he had asked her not to recruit slaves as these people's roots were difficult to trace once they were sold to the slave merchants.

"Oh, her!" Ophenia recognized the girl Alexander was talking about, as she detailed, "According to her, she was a noble's daughter some time ago."

"But something had happened to her family during the drought, causing them to fall out with Pasha Muazz. And then it seems they were subsequently killed off somehow." Ophenia very succinctly introduced her.

"Something that caused a fallout? Somehow killed? What are the specifics?" Alexander disliked ambiguous answers and thus inquired pointedly.

The last thing that he wanted was for a noble relative to come knocking at his brothel's door looking for his long-lost daughter, granddaughter, niece, or whoever.