
Chapter 328

All the warehouse, he left unscathed, the search for him didn't stop, he stood on a hill and watched them move in their numbers, searching the entire compound, burning in flames for him.

"Enjoy your search," he said and turned around, disappearing in the dark, the entire scene was left in agog, as the armed men searched with tension, obsessed with imaginary enemies.

The burning fire has alerted the city's emergence control team, and the cops with firefighters were sent to the location, police siren echoed in the darkness, as the convoy headed towards the burning buildings.

"Damn it! The cops are here, hide your guns, hide your guns" the supervisor ordered, nervously, those with guns scampered away, trying to hide it.

Jeame arrived home and removed the mask, he looked at it thoughtfully and a crook smile appeared on his face, enjoying the job of saving the world from hard drugs, he went inside the bathroom and showered, before going to bed to sleep.

Pero groaned and his eyes glow fastening his healings, the wounds in on his body covered, he exhaled, and sighed heavily, he brought out something from the pocket and grinned.

"What a development, it looks nicer than telephone and a whole lot more portable" he stared at the phone for a long time, observing it.

He operated it for a while before making a call, a voice on the other end answered grudgingly.

"It is late  Pero" the man answering at the other end yawned loudly, Pero frowned.

"So, you don't want me to kill him at this time, right?" He reposted, making the man at the other end, exasperated.

"No, n. Please, what do you want?" He succumbed to his will.

"Money" Pero answered and ended the call, he walked in the street, and came closer to a red-light street, he saw ladies wearing skimpy dresses.

"Come in with us, is just fifty dollars" a lady approached him, he gawked at her curvy body, his loin stirred, he smacked his lips and did a mental calculation.

"Let's go in" the lady took him inside her room, he paid her, and the two of them started kissing, and suddenly graduated to a hot steaming bed rolling.

Pero positioned on top of her, her naked legs spread wide, receiving his thrusts, his muscles tightened, every moment he lifted his weight up and down, slamming into her wet pussy.

The excitement started building, Pero's thrusts became frantic, his fangs began to grow, he growled, and bit down on the lady's neck, making her shriek in fear.

The door was kicked open minutes later, and a lady hauled in a corner, scared of her life, her window was burgled.

The manager walked to her and helped her up "are you okay?" He asked tenderly, she shook her head.

Another staff of the hotel came in "go and call the cops" the manager ordered, the staff quickly retreated and got the cell phone to call the cops.

"Tell us,