
Chapter 296

on the brake, and looked at him with a threatening smile "dude, calm down, it was an old ship, heading to Asia, the details were sketchy" Jeame's lips curled up in satisfaction.

"Good" he mumbled and sped down the road.

In a hospital bed, Jeane lay on the bed, covered with medical equipment.

Two middle-aged couples stood by her side, a man in a lab coat stood, explaining to them.

"She won't be able to remember her past" the doctor informed the aged couple, the two of them looked at each other.

The middle-aged couple's heart swelled, and they were secretly pleased by the information, the two of them left the hospital.

"We should be happy that the lady won't be able to remember her past," the man said, the woman walking along with her, having a wicked grin on her face.

"Of course, it is a good thing that calls for celebration, we don't have to worry about paying the huge debts" the woman commented.

They flagged a taxi, and got in, the taxi driver received their address and drove off, the two couples went to back-water street in the City.

They barely settled inside when a loud bang came on the door.

"Who is that bastard at the door? Do you want to bring down the entire building before you will be heard" the middle-aged woman yelled angrily.

A young man was busy eating on a dining table, laughing, he scooped the noodles on the plate, and stuffed them into his mouth.

The woman opened the door and a face surfaced, more faces surfaced from behind, they were all looking like trouble makers.

"Juan Tue" the woman mumbled and stepped backwards, retreating her steps fearfully.

The intruder grinned and smiled at her reaction, he stepped forward, pushing her further backwards. "You were saying that I am?" He asked.

The middle-aged woman stuttered, her lips quivered in fright "I am wrong Juan Tue" she pleaded, the man ignored her and strode towards the only sette in the sitting room and sat, he placed his legs on a table.

"Where is this sitting-room so useless, no good air conditioning, not even a standard television, take this away" he pointed at the television,  and one of his men came forward and carried it away.

"Hey, you!" He pointed at the son of the middle-aged woman's son, feeding fat from the plate of the instantly, the young man eating looked surprised.

"Me? Oh, no, I have no business with my mother and you" he tried to wiggle himself out.

The man groaned with dissatisfaction "get him here" he ordered.

One of his armed men, went over, and beat him over, he was forced to bow before Juan Tue's feet, he sneered "good".

The middle-aged woman pleaded earnestly "please, let my son go, we are going to pay you" she pleaded desperately.

The man grumbled "your husband and you always promised to pay me, but you guys never did, beat them up" he