
Chapter 204

Tears “it is over now” she swatted the tears falling down her eyes.

Arial took a deep breath, and glanced at her, Jo clutched his lap's tightly, Arial stood abruptly, and scampered away, weeping.

Jo looked at her back, and shuddered, he stood and left, without saying anything to her.

Jo went to the car, and drove out of the area.

He sat in the car for a long time, he bent his head on the stirring, his phone rang, he pulled it, and looked at the screen.

He took a deep breath “Hello, Amanda” suddenly, he heard shattering the sound, his heart palpitated.

“Amanda!” he held the phone tightly, he ignited the car, and sped towards the East.

Jeane sat at his window, watching the sky, intently, the doorknob turned, and Jeane came in.

“Should I come in…” she asked cheekily and shut the door “I am in any way” she said, smiling, he didn't say anything.

Did she come close to him, “are you alright? You can go home, if you miss your family” she suggested, Jeame smiled, but Jeane didn't see it because he is masked.

“Thank you”

Jeane stared at him confused, her phone suddenly ringing, she excused herself, and left Jeame's room.

She picked the call.

“Lucy, is anything the matter?” she inquired, Lucy took a breath.

She started sobbing “I broke up with him” she cried out, Arial's back stiffened, realizing her friend is in a bad mood.

“Sorry, honey, I will come over”

Jeame was listening to them inside his room, he heard Jeane's footfalls, departing the doorway, he stepped out of his room and came out.

He saw Old Man Bill watching the television quietly, he looked towards his direction, and saw that, he has slept off, he nodded and stepped out of the house.

Butler, Carl, was standing some meters away from the car, Jeame came out of the house.

Butler, Carl turned towards his direction “hurry, and go with her” he instructed.

Jeame nodded, and walked towards the car, Jeane drove out of the garage, and sped towards the gate.

Suddenly, the headlights flashed on the face of Jeame, who was standing before him.

She quickly stepped on the brake, putting the car to a halt, with loud screeching of the tires.

She peeped from the windshield “come on in” she said, and he strode around the car, and entered, the both of them drove out of the compound.

A car pulled over at the gated house, tapes was use in barricading the house, Sylvester came out of the car.

And stood before the destroyed, building by explosion.

He strode towards the debris, suddenly, a torchlight beamed at him.

“Hey, you!” a voice called out, suddenly, he didn't see the man standing few meters from him anymore.

He batted his eyes in shock, and moved forward.

Sylvester's figure stood behind the man, and watched him stepped forward stealthily, he stretched his arm, and covered his mouth with his palm.
