
Chapter 131

Away some meters from them.

They retreated in fright, when they got into the woods, they scurried off, running tired as they escaped from the presence of Jeame.

Jeame resist going after them, he went inside the tent.

Sylvester stood before a castle, it reeks of ancient, he kicked the door.


The door dismantled from it edges and flees meters away, just then, a clapping sounds emanate from the grand room before him.

He stepped in, ignoring the surrounding hostility, a man stood some meters away, glaring at him.

“You came back” the person mocked, Sylvester ignored him, and walked towards the staircase, his attitude infuriated the man, and he darted towards him, grabbing his arm roughly.

“You have forgotten who you are” he snarled at him.

Sylvester turned to him coldly, and grabbed his arm tightly.

“I am not the person you use to know” he snorted, and pulled his hold from him, he pushed him away, and climbed the staircase.

The man stood at the staircase landing, gritting his teeth as he watched him, comfortably going into his room.

Jo's eyes fluttered as the morning sun seeped into the room, he turned around, burying his face in a pillow, to evade the morning sun rays.

“Jo, it is morning, wake up” Arial's happy voice boomed in the room.

Jo pouted his lips like a baby, “I prefer not to wake, I want to sleep more” he murmured, and buried his face once again in the pillow.

Arial chuckled, “I have prepared breakfast for you, toasted …”

Before she could, go further in explaining what she has prepared, Jo quickly woke up from his drowsiness with astonishing agility, he turned to Arial with an interesting look.

“Where is it?” he requested, Arial chuckled and pointed at the side stool, his eyes widened in surprise, his heart moved, and he quickly walked towards the meal.

“Ugh… You have to brush your mouth first, before eating” she suggested, Jo grumbled in dissatisfaction, but still went to get his mouth washed.

Linda toasted on the bed, feeling light-headed, her eyes fluttered, and her blurry vision became clearer every passing moment, as she asked herself several unanswered questions.

She quickly set aright, looking around in horror, she blinked, the memories of last night romp with a total stranger came crashing, and she cringed inwardly, her eyes welled up.

“I hate you, Jo” she said and broke down in tears, crying.

Her phone rang, and she quickly came down from the bed, feeling dejected and used, her naked frame, just then, the door opened by an intruder who didn't knock.

Linda became apprehensive, ignoring the phone ringing, she grabbed the bedsheet and tied it around her body, quickly, but the intruder, who was a cleaner already got a glimpse of the beautiful naked body of the lady.

He looked around searching, and he squinted his eyes on a wad of dollar notes on the locker, at the sledge at the bed board.

He licked