
Her True Mate

Growing up in a small town, isolated from the world, all Freya Lancaster ever wanted to do was travel. This was something she never thought she would be able to do, thinking that there was no way she could make it out in the world as a young werewolf without her pack. After talking to her family, Freya decided to leave after she graduated from high school. Leaving the safety of home and past trouble behind her, Freya began to travel and explore the world, meeting new people and learning new things along the way. After a year of traveling and self exploration, Freya’s father calls to tell her it is time for her to enroll in college and begin working in the family business as promised. As she returns home, Freya is forced to leave behind people from her time away, only to be met with those she would rather not see again. This seems to be the least of her worries, however, as an outside threat begins murdering residents of the town. Tension rises in the community when members of the pack's hierarchy are attacked by the outside threat, causing the town to go into survival mode as their home and way of life is threatened. What will Freya do when her family is targeted by this threat? What will happen when she is forced to face someone who has hurt her in the past? How will the town overcome this threat to their home?

Jazmine_Bowman · Fantasie
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15 Chs


Kol had met Freya at the tree after he finished class, the pair leaving Adrian to himself as he continued to work on his project as Kol drove the girl to his house. The ride wasn't long and in no time she was following Kol up the driveway, walking up the steps to the house where the entire Andersson family lived, all except Idris. Idris had moved out of the house at the end of last year once she married the pack's gamma member, Camden Ronin, though it did not shock her when she saw Kol's younger sister sitting on one of the benches on the porch when they made it up the steps.

"Finally, thought you'd never make it back." She teased as she stood, wrapping her arms around Kol as he rolled his eyes. "Thank you for saying yes to our mother, she is so happy you agreed to help her plan Vetrnaetr." Idris stated as she hugged Freya, rubbing the girls back before guiding her into the house.

"Of course she said yes. No one has the ability to say no to our mother. Especially Freya." Kol muttered behind them, shutting the door as he followed the girls inside. Freya rolled her eyes and went to say something when a loud bang came from upstairs, followed by a thump and padding as someone ran down the hall only for Claire Andersson to be the one to zoom down the stairs so fast she almost fell. Out of reflex Kol when to grab his mother, though the woman swatted him away before grabbing Freya.

"Come with me!" Freya's eyes widened as she was pulled up the stairs. After going up to the third floor we came to the master bedroom and Freya slowed as she came through the threshold into the room, looking around as Claire rushed to the pile of dresses she had on the bed. Freya stood there, taking in the changes that had been made to the room since she was little; there were beautiful red oak hardwood floors in the room, along with two cherry oak armoires that were on either side of the door that led to the bathroom. There was a beautiful vanity that sat against the wall in front of the bed, which was centered in the middle of the wall across from Freya as she walked into the room. Claire ran towards one of the armories, searching for something as Freya walked further into the room. There was a section of the room that you could tell belonged to Claire; her bookshelf was snug against the wall beside her vanity, a set of chestnut brown leather armchairs sat on either side of a beautiful cherry oak coffee table, which was littered with decorations for the fall season. The one thing that was new was the wall that was behind these chairs was entirely a window, opening up the room to the view of the property that the pack owned. In front of the window Freya could see the pack house for those of the pack who did not have a place to live in town, she could also see Noah, Kol, Idris, and Camden carrying things towards the area where the Moban feast and mead competition would be for the town.

"Here, try this on. It was supposed to be for Wren, but you know how she is with me dressing her. Dresses in general, really." Claire grinned, holding out an orange, off-the-shoulder dress that was long and flows gently off the hanger. Freya reached out and smiled gently as her fingers ran down the smooth fabric, taking the hanger from Claire before the woman gestured towards the bathroom. "Go try it on, I want to see."

With out any hesitation Freya walked into the bathroom, closing the door as she scratched the back of her neck. Walking to the mirror Claire had placed into the bathroom, Freya hung the dress before stripping out of her clothes. She looked over the dress before taking it off the hanger, lifting it over her head gently before letting it go. It fell and she stepped back, adjusting the dress before looking at herself in the mirror. Pursing her lip as she fixed her hair, Freya walked to the door before opening it slowly. "Does it look okay?" She asked, walking out so that Claire could see what she looked like.

"It looks beautiful on you, Darling. You need a belt though, it's a little loose." Claire walked to her armoire again, grabbing a belt before she walked over to the girl. Freya held her arms out of the way, letting Claire lace the belt around her quickly. "That's much better!" She clapped, smiling as she walked around Freya.

"What is this for, Claire?"

"The Mabon festival tomorrow." Freya frowned, walking over to the mirror.

"Isn't this a little much?" She asked, looking at the dress, only for Claire to giggle a little.

"You never liked dressing up after you turned ten." The woman sighed, leaning against the door frame as she watched Freya fuss. "I think you look beautiful and I think it would be awesome if you wore that tomorrow. But, ultimately, that is up to you. For now, let's get you out of this dress so we can talk about some things for the wedding rituals." Claire grinned as she patted Freya's cheek, taking off the belt before she walked out of the bathroom, closing the door so Freya could change back into her clothes she had arrived in. After pulling on her jeans she grabbed her shoes, holding them in one hand as she held the hanger with the dress in the other before the door opened. "If you want to wear it I will leave it on the hanger behind the door, okay?"

"Thank you, Claire." Freya smiled as she sat on one of the armchairs, watching as Claire ran about before she dashed out of the room, calling out a rushed "stay right there!" before she ran down the stairs again.