

Val smiled shyly, "are you sure?" "Ohh a hundred and one percent sure." His voice came out hoarse than he had intended. "Wait have you cought a fever or what?" 


Val asked placing her palms on his forehead trying to detect his temperature. Cal coughed while rubbing the back of his neck with embarrassment. Why does she have to be so innocent she didn't even have the slightest idea of what she was doing to him and to make it worse she was moving closer to him and touching all over his face. He catched her wrist mid air before she could touch her more and increase his uneasiness. He sighed deeply, "am okay nothing serious to worry about." He said letting go of her wrist.

"Then why are you suddenly so hot and red all over your face." She asked craning her neck sideways. Cal slightly coughed as if chocked while avoiding her questioning gaze that was directed to him. " Let's get going or we will be late," he said heading towards the main door. " But you...." She was immediately cut off by him. "You will go back to your room if you continue with your many buts." He said without turning to look at her, his Sharp warning was enough to seal her mouth shut and she quietly followed behind him to the exit. His harsh gaze was suddenly trained to the servants who were peeking at their interaction from the very beginning. They were cought off guard by his Sharp gaze that was questioning them 'how dare you evesdrop on our private conversation.'  his face was cold no more pampering was lingering around he was like a different person whenever handling Val and others. The servants who were leaning on each other all along felt chills running down their skin. They tumbled and fell on each other trying to run away from his gaze upon being caught red handed on their shameful behavior. They quickly scattered all over until none of them could be spotted. 

The duo left the mansion, they were silent all along while inside the car with music on. One was trying very hard to fight his burning desire that was killing his insides with every ounce of his strength that he could gather. The other one was half way excited  and half way anxious and nervous. It was going to be her first time being a bad girl and attending an outdoor thrilling party away from home without the supervision of the grown ups. It was going to be her first step to grabbing her freedom in the palm of her hands.

They arrived at the location where the party was being held. It was marble made house there was alot of decorations, the music was in high volume that it even made the ground to tremble. People were grouped into small groups scattered everywhere happily chattering and dancing to the rhythm of the music.

Upon their entrance all the gazes were fixed on them. Val stopped on her track and looked at Cal worriedly. " What? Regrets!! just say if you can't handle it and I will immediately take you away from here. " He told her teasingly, "it would be a total waste if we leave now after the long drive. I can handle this." She said convincing herself more. How he wished she could have agreed to his idea. He could totally sense those burning gazes that were trained on her and he wished he could tear away their eyes from their ugly faces. 

"Okay but don't push yourself too much if you can't bear it. Remember not to wonder around very much, no accepting drinks from others except me otherwise they might spike your drink, don't answer anyone if you don't feel like it and the most important of all don't let any of those hungry hyenas near you not even touching you understand." She nodded and they proceeded in, the room was quiet and the ladies stared at her with envy and jealousy and vice versa. Their appearance was stunning .

It was a red party everything and everyone was in red. She could hear the ladies giggling while praising Cal's manly odour they even called him their prince. She took his arm and wrapped it on her slim waist. Cal smiled at her actions he really loved her domineering jealousy. He firmly held her waist not throwing even a glance at the ladies who were trying to gain his attention .

They went to the far corner of the room where four sofa's were placed facing each other. There were three boys seated at each sofa with at least two girls kissing caressing and straddling on top of them. One sofa was empty and he led her to the seat. He removed his blazer and wrapped it over her shoulder to cover her. It looked like an oversized coat on her, she protested trying to remove it but it was held firmly on her shoulder. " Don't be stubborn you are exposed and too inviting."  " No I don't want to, look at yourself you are more exposed than me and the ladies are staring at you as if you are their  prey ready to pounce on you at any second." She said pouting, "I am an exception to any exposure but you are not" he said in a matter of fact tone leaving no room for further discussion.

She wanted to protest but after turning and seeing the gazes of the three boys seated on the sofas fixed on her as if they wanted to strip her naked, they no longer bothered with the ladies besides them but only her. She instinctly held the coat around her even tighter and moved closer to Cal avoiding their lustful and questioning gaze. Her actions earned a chuckle from one of the guys. Cal placed one of his arms around her shoulder protectively while handing her a drink which she took and gulped it all down at once.

She heard the guy who had chuckled earlier say " how cute, be careful not to chock yourself sexy we don't bite. We only eat of course," he said with a playful tone. His words made Val chock on her drink and her ears turned red she never looked their way avoiding to meet their gazes, she kept fumbling with her fingers staring at her feet.