

"in your dreams I would rather sleep," she said to him and looked at the other side of the room smiling.

Cal chuckled and told her, " don't worry I won't give up until you fall for this charming face no one has ever escaped from it come on give me a hug." She turned and have him a hug very quickly not allowing him to see her face and the silver liquids that were threatening to fall.

She loosely tugged his sleeves and asked, " Cal you are never going to abandon me t-t- t oo right?" She was chocking at her own words. "Please promise me that you will always be by my side forever right." Calmon heard her words and his throat was bitter, it was as if she was convincing herself more.

"Don't worry baby girl i dare not leave your side cause my heart wouldn't be able to bare with it." He reassured her. "Pinkie promise" she asked him , he hugged her even tighter and answered "pinkie promise". They hugged a little longer then he told her, " I have decided to extend my leave from school and spend some more time with you."  She disengaged from his embrace andblinked her eyes cutely with a bright smile.

"Really!!! But what If you are drugged behind in your studies, you know dad will get angry." She said while looking away.

"Don't tell me that you forgot your brother is a genius, even if I miss school for a whole month I would still be leading in my class with a perfect score." Cal said with a proud voice.

"Okay now stop sulking and go to sleep I know you are exhausted and tomorrow I need to see you as fresh as those  roses in your flower bed cause we are gonna have a lot of fun together."

She nodded at his words and then he helped her tug inside the duvet, he kissed her forehead and switched off the table lamp and main bulb. "good night baby girl,"  " good night cal and thanks a lot for today." He smiled at her and left the room.

As he passed via the east wing he could still hear their parents arguing, cal just shook his head and went to the security room. He had to check if all the gates, doors and windows were securely closed. Valina had dismissed every house help staff with security guards, she had given all of them a day off duty she always tends to think about other people's happiness and welfare abandoning her own self. After making sure the whole mansion was safely locked, he went to the South wing to rest and as soon as he laid on the bed fatigue took toll over his body and he immediately went to the wonder world.

Early in the morning valina was awoken by the Ray's of sunlight that peeped through the high magestic curtains. She kicked the duvet from her body and rushed to the washroom to clean up. She hurriedly  fixed her face with some powder and tied up her hair in a messy bun. She wore a crop sweater, a buggy jeans and canvas. She looked herself in the mirror one more time and smiled with satisfaction at her appearance and want back in the room. She squeezed the big curtains  to the sideways of the big French windows.

Down in the driveway valina could see her parents preparing to leave they didn't even bother to say goodbye to her. She felt hurt but comforted herself cause she was going to spend some time with her brother. She put on a big smile and went downstairs stairs for breakfast after confirming that they had completely disappeared they didn't even look back towards her room even once. She knew she was supposed to wake up early in order to have breakfast with her parents but didn't. She never had breakfast with her parents her whole life because of the occasions of the family time dinner. As the years passed by this heartache seemed to become her habit.

She always thought as the years passed by she would soon get used to it, but she was always proved wrong over and over again. As she reached the dinning room she bumped into her brother who was holding a tray of food. 

" Hey watch where you are heading to, what if you miss your steps and fall or bumped into a servant carrying hot tea huh. Your beautiful face would get burned and you will become ugly, then no suitors will pursue you and you will have to get plastic surgery when you can't even stand make up thanks be I have a good balance. It's very early in the morning and you are already spacing out what is wrong with you?" Valina pouted her pink cherry lips while blinking her beautiful blue eyes. "Brother how could you be so fierce with me, as you said it's very early in the morning yet you are already scolding me. Now I know you don't even pitty your little sister." She said while slightly tugging his sleeves.

He looked at the pouting lips and blinking eyes, she was even tugging at his sleeves she really knew how to get to him and she was right. He really gave into the delicate and adorable look she gave him. "Okay okay fine you win but be more careful in the future okay." He coaxed her and she smiled"Take a seat fast and have your breakfast I was just bringing it to you." Cal said pulling out a chair for her. I've also noticed that you always avoid coming for breakfast whenever mom and dad are here." Valina gave him a sweet smile and said, " ooh that it's just that I was so tired and over slept." "Don't you dare to fool me if there is one thing am sure about you is your punctuality. You avoid things only when you are angry and feel wronged. Actually you don't have to avoid them this is your home, I know you are sad and angry but just bare with them you know they truly care. Grow up quickly then you will understand."

He never wanted his little sister to feel isolated so he was always there to comfort her cause she had to be stronger in order to survive this cruel world. "Okay let's go, am not hungry at all am still full I swear." She said saluting to him and he tilted his head on the side ways staring at her she really was a good liar.