

" Bend" he said in a commanding tone, "what!! No no I can't I need some rest I'm already devastated." She said in a hoarse voice which was a result of his violence on her throat. " Ooh is that so!! You better be devastated for the rest of your life, don't ever try seducing me again." He said sarcastically, his pride was hurt and he stood up to leave the room.

She immediately hugged him from behind, "don't be mad, I didn't mean it that way I have to get enough rest your dad assigned me a special task." She said her hands roaming all over his muscular body. "What task?". "you know I can't tell you that it's against the rules and for the safety of the mission especially when it is confidential." He only nodded with a wicked smiled which she couldn't see. "Is that so! Well then will see about that." He turned at her with a lopsided smile, she was releaved that he seemed to understand her.

"Bend" he said and there was no emotions on his face. "What? you you" she startered at her words. " What you can't bear it? You know I hate repeating myself, just say it if you are unwilling and I will let you be." He said in a mocking tone. She had no choice and bent doggy style, fully exposing her behind to his disposal. She had her fist balled up while trembling. Cal smiled with victory, he hated that she always plot against him with his father behind his back and he was going to fuck the truth out of her as a punishment.

He climbed up the bed and held onto her waist, he bent his head and licked her pussy teasingly. She wasn't prepared for that and was cought off guard. A loud gasp escaped her throat and she bit her lips to stop herself from moaning from the extreme pleasure he was giving her. His long, rough, experienced tongue skillfully slid inside her exploring every corner. He removed his tongue when she was about to reach her climax. I want to hear you moan and beg for more he said sliding one of his fingers, " please I want you inside me",. " What did you just say? I didn't hear you," "Cal i can't take it anymore have me right now I'm ready." She begged and he slipped another finger inside her, " I still can't hear you" " ooh fuck me asshole" she said that even more louder and he smiled at his achievement and slipped another finger inside her teasing her soft spot.

" That's more like it, but it won't be that easy you have to earn it, are you willing to earn my dick you know it's pricey." He said and slide his fingers deeper at once. "Am willing to do anything" she said between her moans. "Good so let's see what task did my father assigne you?" She was about to come and he had stopped as if his next move depended on her answer. She really needed a release, she gritted her teeth in frustration. " He said it was confidential and more personal and and you should not find out no matter what." He removed his fingers from inside her harshly. He placed his dick at the entrance of her pussy caressing her with it. "What exactly did he tell you to do?" " Please don't do this to me you know what will be the punishment if he finds out I leaked the information." He halfway entered her pussy and tightly held her waist to stop her from moving on her own. "And how will he know? I won't tell if you don't tell." "Please stop this toture" he was playing with her emotions. She fought so hard to keep her sanity in check. "It's all up to your answer, remember you were willing to do anything." He said moving slowly inside her, " fine! But If you rat me out I'll make you pay." He smiled wickedly, "no truce at all." " He wants me to go undercover in a school keep an eye on a girl and help him bring out the worst from the girl she'll be joining the school next week, so we won't be able to see each other in a while that's why I came here today to see you." Cal tried hard to stay calm, " do you know her identity or which school any clear detail." He didn't notice he had gripped her waist tighter. "He didn't offer much detail but she will be joining his school but he said she was very interesting that's why i-ii-ii-ii ouch!! Aahahhh!!! mnnhhh!!" Cal had totally lost it upon realising they were plotting against his baby. He rocked her insides deeper and harder hitting her wet walls. He was Wilder than the fast round his tight grip holding her in place she tightly grabbed the sheets her moans getting louder.

Val who was searching for Cal in every room stood outside the last door and hoped he was inside. "Cal, Cal,Caa"she called in a low voice but there was no response from inside the room. She was scared of entering and witnessing what she had seen in the other rooms. She turned and was about to leave when he heard noises like screams. Curiosity got the better of her and she leaned on the door to listen carefully. " Ah ah mnnhh ah no no no!!" Erotic moans and groans was all she heard. She slowly opened the door and saw two people fucking each other one bent against each other. They were so wild, she recognized the two people and stumbled backwards but was firmly held by strong arms before she fell. Her hands sealed her mouth to avoid screaming they closed the door. Ray who had silently followed her when she left was bitting on his Lower lip trying to suppress his laughter.

Val looked at him but not not directly in his eyes she wasn't comfortable with his gaze at all. " I didn't see anything at all," She said defensively. He could no longer hide his laughter, "I never said you saw anything, already guilty?" She huffed "who? Me of course not just making it clear." He stood in front of her blocking her path, "says who? Your face is all red, then explain why are you blushing." He said leaning close to her face. "None of your business," she was embarrassed and ran past him. He was left smiling on his own ' what a bad liar she is' he thought to himself.