

The moment valina retreated her hands the big French doors was wide open, leading to a big specious room with a very good and expensive decor. "Woohoo!! Woooow!! Hey Cal what is this place and how come my DNA can open this place. It seems well secured and very comfy." Valina asked her voice filled with amusement, she kept studying the whole room.

"Well first you can open the door cause you are a Davis literally it's only dad's DNA that can open every door protected by this type of security system. But since you can open this it means you can bridge many more of his defenses and be a threat to him. I should have discovered this earlier it's more easier than whacking my brains trying to break the passcodes you really are my biggest asset and treasure now." Cal said grinning from there ear to ear with satisfaction.

Val glared at him, "you know what yoyou really are a bad influence to me instead of showing me the school rules you are teaching me how to break them. I'm not carefree as you and I also don't want to get into trouble with Dad." She said seating on the black sofa. "But this room here is already my best place in this school after all at least you are correct about this place."

She stood up and went near the big windows, tilted her small head sideways and peeped outside removing the curtains only where her eyes could only see. Cal was standing behind her he only shook his head in a rhythm he extended his hands and pushed the curtains to the end of the windows leaving the magestic glass naked. She quickly gripped the curtains wanting to cover the window glass.

" What are you doing? Are you crazy or what? If any one spots us here we will be in big trouble this area is out of bounds and the worst part is that we even broke into the directors suit. An ex- student and stranger broke into a private property. Hell no I am not prepared for that yet." She said struggling with the curtains which Cal didn't loose his grip on either.

"Calm down these windows are of high quality, you can see everything that's outside but someone from outside can't see anything from the inside. Why are you so tensed up when it's your father that owns the school. Just relax and enjoy the view." He told her slightly patting her shoulders.

Val stepped nearer the window and stared outside, the view before her eyes was so beautiful and mesmerizing that she couldn't even afford to blink her eyes. From where the room was situated. One could completely view the whole school the feeling was so good. She turned to continue inspecting the room she didn't even want to miss a detail about it. The room really matched her father's taste it brought about a cold aura but she was already used to that strange feeling.

"Let's get going we better hurry to the principal's office and complete the formalities before the students are out of their classes." He said heading towards the door himself.

They went out and the room automatically locked itself. They headed towards a block which had a board indicating 'staff only'. They walked until they reached the far end of the corridor. There was an open door and they entered. Right at the corner behind a desk there was a woman who seemed to be at her mid-thirties. She had big round lenses her hair was curly and she was typing something at her computer on the desktop.

Cal was still outside talking to a staff. Val approached her and greated politely reading the tag on her left side of her chest. "Hi there Sheila right? "The secretary looked up a little startled. "Ooh hi May I help you." She looked confused staring at the strange face hidden in the big hood. Val had removed her mask, she smiled sweetly." Well I'm Valina and I'm here to see the school mistress for enrollment, nice hair by the way." "Thanks, do you have an appointment?" Val looked behind her and couldn't spot Cal. She turned and looked at her, "I guess so"

Sheila scrolled the computer and looked at her strangely. "Not that I know of, allow me to check with the mistress please excuse me." She went to the door ahead knocked then entered. She came back after a while, " I'm truly sorry but the mistress is very busy at the moment and doesn't wish to be disturbed. She also said that enrollment was due the last two months and there isn't any vacancies left she also said she doesn't have any appointments today and you may leave. No offense but how did you manage to enter the school? I wasn't informed of any visitors which is always the protocol to confirm with the principal's office before stepping inside the school premises." She said those sentence in a hurry which was kinda cute according to Val.

"She came with me don't tell me know that I need to follow the protocols before entering the school." Cal said tilting his head to the side. "Ohh I'm very sorry. good day young master Davis." The secretary greated slightly bowing.

Cal smiled at her," I thought you had already forgotten me my precious ila." He said messing up her hair, he was obviously teasing her. Sheila trained her eyes on the ground without looking at Cal anymore but her face was red as ripe tomatoes. " This way please she said ushering them to the principal's office.

Val murmured " I thought she was very busy to be distributed." Sheila smiled apologetically and Cal held her hands, he didn't even bother to knock and entered the office. There was a woman seated behind a desk resting her head on the chair. "Sheila I -ii-ii" she couldn't even finish her sentence after opening her eyes.

She was startled but quickly regained her composure. " It's you young master Davis" she said ushering them to take a seat. " Yeah it's me it seems I startled you, I just heard that you are very busy to attend to me madam principal." He said in a sarcastic tone.