

Val kept drinking without a care in the world, she just wanted to succumb into the numbness. She would scream whenever Cal tried to stop her from drinking. She got wasted and started rumbling, " Cal please tell me that you genuinely love me. Did you see dad it's the first time I saw him look at me that way as if I was important and it was in front of the whole world you know. I'm supposed to be happy finally but I don't know why I feel like my heart Is being squeezed and it's getting very hard to breathe. You know back then I could only watch the two of you training from a distance. You would leave and go for trips that took weeks, mom would also be traveling to her concerts often."

"I was always left all alone and I kept wondering why no one ever noticed me. I was just like a shadow in the family so I promised myself to not make any trouble and be perfect in everything I did. Maybe then you guys would notice my existence and then you all promised a family dinner every once in awhile and it felt like an achievement, like I matter. But it never ended well it just kept filling up the bitter memories, I tried to commit suicide many times but also death kept abandoning me and nana always kept it a secret from you guys so that I don't get into trouble. I wanted to run far away from this world of mine but I can't even escape from that cage they call my home."

"I was so happy to be able to have my freedom today, but now what's next after this. Why does all these sound so good to be true it's just like the calm before the storm. Right now almost everyone out there is praising me some are even jealous of the life they think I have. I just wish I could trade Cal, I'm just so tired of trying and these life of feeling used. It just hurts every time I think about it, I just feel broken beyond repair. I get to Know about my supposed family through the internet I feel like a stranger towards my own parents." Val said crying her heart out, Cal felt sorry for her she has been smiling all these while pretending to be okay. He hated himself for failing to notice the sadness behind her smile. She even attempted suicide and he had no idea about it. He felt like he had failed her he knew she was not okay but he thought she was already getting used to it all.

She was only right about one thing, she was a mistake being born in this world, it's too cruel for her and he was scared of what it might force her to become. He hoped she could hold on a little longer until he figured a way out for her. He was now more determined than never, they thought she understood but she was dieng from the inside slowly. Yet she kept it all to herself all this while.

He let her drink until she passed out and drove her home and carried her to her room. He called the servants to help her change her clothes and wipe her, he dismissed them after they were done. He sat there staring at how delicate and innocent she looked while sleeping. He was filled with guilt, he slept beside her and held her tightly into his embrace. He wished he could have the power to hold her like that for the rest of his life and protect her from everything.

The night passed by so quickly, he had woken up earlier but still didn't want to let her go. Val was stirred awake by the beautiful rays of sunshine that peeked through the French windows. She tried to open her eyes but they were too heavy, she was being wrapped around strong and warm arms. She knew his fragrance and just smiled at him but the headache that followed after was unbearable for her. She almost forgot how much she had drunk the previous night, but waking up in his arms made her feel protected and all that. He helped her to the bathroom so that she could refresh herself first.

When she came out, the sweet aroma that had filled the entire room left her leaking her dry lips. " Breakfast in bed baby" Cal said while finishing arranging the dishes on the food stand. Val smiled sweetly and went ahead to take a seat. "Have this first it's good for nourishing your strength and it will do away with the headache quickly." He said scooping a spoonful of soup towards her mouth, while seated beside her. He had planned on pampering her one last time before they parted ways. She complied and drunk all the soup from him obediently, it felt good to have him pamper her that way and she wished it could last forever. Even though she knew it was only but her selfish desires that would never happen.

They finished the breakfast and decided to tour the whole mansion and try remembering the scarce beautiful memories that they had together while growing up. They tried to enjoy each other's company as much as possible, except for the overprotective Cal who was exaggerating everything concerning her well being. She was going to start school early in the morning the following day. They enjoyed the whole day together in each other's company and Cal left in a hurry saying an important thing had come up and that he would make sure to be back by morning and send her off. She didn't argue for she was already used to them pulling out in the last minute for their so called important business.