

At the Davis Empire

"Richard have you completed the task that I gave you?" " Yes" Richard replied trailing Mr Davis from behind they were rushing to a meeting which they were already ten minutes late. Richard is his friend and special assistant. "I made sure no personal information was included in her files and I also chose the undercover body guards that would accompany her from the organization."

He was hurrying to a meeting because of his son he had signed some projects that would bring about more risk than profits to the company. He allowed him to take care of the small projects yet he has already made a big mess for him how could he entrust all his efforts of blood and sweat to him. Even his ancestors would be displeased with him for risking their future generations. That's why he has to groom Valina into a capable successor, not that she doesn't have the potential but some abilities are lacking in her. That's why he leaves all the paperwork's to her whenever he travels and she has never disappointed him. 

At the Davis mansion.

Cal and Val were sparring and he kept knocking her down he was sure she could exert more strength but why was she holding back. He was tired because she only defended herself from him and never attacked back. He gave up, they did other exercises like running, weight lifting, wide range shooting and swimming.

Cal had already joined his father's organization and he was the one leading them. He is always determined to do the best in order to prevent Val from ever joining. He is the best in combat, totureing and killing people. He never wants his father to accuse him of incompetence and get Val involved like he did in his business empires. He is fine with her taking over the business cause she is really incredible even at her age. If he could get the power to decide her fate he would take her very far from this part of the world. It isn't fair for her to get mixed up in this shity world of the Davis it is so messed up that it doesn't suit someone as pure, innocent and simple as her. He wished to see her smiling for the rest of her life but fate was so cruel sooner or later she would get involved. Their father is so selfish. So he is going to do everything he can for her to keep smiling and live like a normal teenager. He didn't get that but he will try his best to give her that. 

Cal was going to take Val with her to a party held by his fellow collage students. They spent the rest of the day going through the documents that were dropped by her father's people to be reviewed and approved if necessary. By evening they were done and they went to prepare them selves. Her servants came to prepare her in her room, they were sent by her brother. She never liked being dressed or washed by the maids it was embarrassing for her to undress in front of people and let them wash her naked body. So she usually let them pick her outfit and do her hair and makeup only then she would dismiss them. 

She wore a red crop top, a red miniskirt with some strings to the side, red boots and her diamond earrings, bangles and neckless. She left her pure golden hair to fall behind her back and a little covering some parts of her face pinned with her silver clips. She put on a light reddish blush coloured her eyebrows and long eyelashes black and wore a sexy red lipstick she took her red purse that was embroidered with some diamonds and rushed downstairs to meet Cal.

Cal wore red vest and a red blazer on top which clearly revealed his well built up muscles there was a golden chain on his neck and a golden earring on his right ear his light brown hair was combed to his left side revealing his collarbone. He wore a red dior short and red air force. He was stunningly handsome. He had been waiting for Val almost ten minutes already. He heard someone running down the stairs, he knew it was her she had developed a habit of always running whenever she used the stairs. She is always clumsy and never took any precautions or warnings seriously. He wanted to scold her," how many times have i warned you....." At the sight of her Cal's remaining warnings got stuck between his throat. She was so eye catching, she was swaying her hips seductively while climbing down without her knowledge. All her sexy assets were left open, her milky skin, thighs, curves, small waist, her neck and collarbones his heart was hammering in full force inside his chest. She ran and stood in front of him then swirled around smiling. " What do you think Cal? Do i look pretty enough?" She asked interlocking her arms with him.

Her sexy lips was very close to his ears. He felt very hot and aroused now that her lips were that close to his it took him his every strength and self control  not pounce on her. Val was calling him , he shook his head to stop the dirty thoughts that were running in his mind. He kept some distance between them before he did something stupid. "I think taking you to this party was a terrible idea we should cancel it." He said agreeing with himself more about his own conclusions.

She pouted her lips and pitifully look at his seriously stern face. "I'll never forgive you if you ruin this day for me Cal that I promise you." She had no idea what she was doing to him it was his worst torture and he didn't want to give into the sexy goddess in front of him so he looked away. " What now? Am I not beautiful and I would embarrassing you in front of your school mates is that it? I've really worn my best and can't go beyond this." She stated looking dejected and turned around to head to her room.

Cal immediately stopped her in her track, "no baby don't get me wrong you are too much beautiful and and...." He lacked the exact words to express how he didn't want anyone else to see her body.