
Her Tales

A young orphan girl devoid of love abused by the person who took her in....she laughed hard at the sight of seeing them getting destroyed in the flames that reflected her past....she was out in the open grounds without a place to call her home...and then suddenly a thunder striked that took over her future alone....She starts her journey with an unusual violet hair that made everyone call her the violet witch all along....Then lets see what happens to her next....will she give up committing suicide? Or will she like to live her life to its fullest accepting how other people look at her.......?!

luna746 · Fantasie
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179 Chs

11. The creatures of night

She waited for a few moment and then launched her thunder power up the sky and soon after it striked down....making the environment around visible only for a few moment....she noticed the creatures of night more likely insects of size of a small elephant... crawling out of every corner of the forest....Then she loosened her chain for her neck...and with a swift blow she sliced away every creature including enlarged centipedes, spiders, mantis, and huge blood sucking lichens....Now she could understand why her late master said " those who enter the forest of willows at night never return to their homes alive" ...