
What happens now?

The next day Fred called her to know how she was doing

"Sorry for putting in you in that kinda trouble Jessie, I will admit,I enjoyed every single moment with you,but putting you in a situation was the last thing I had in mind"

"It's okay Fred, I've gotten over it".

"I wish could see you again,can we see today "

Jess was actually dying to see him again

"Uhhm, I will see about it "

"Please Jessie, it would mean a lot to me just to see you again"

Later that day, when everyone has gone out for their business, even her uncle went out for a short business trip, she sneaked into his compound again,when she got in,she saw him standing at the gate with that killer smile on his face, but she noticed that the environment reeks of cigarettes and strong alcohol ,and Jess really hates guys that smoke.

He welcomed her with a warm hug but Jess wasn't sure if she should appreciate the hug or not because this place smells like where she doesnt like to go. But she is here anyway, what's the need of going back, he led her to his front yard where they both sat and had the longest and sweetest conversation she had ever had,along with the drinks and pie he gave her, Jess really appreciated the fact that he didn't offer her alcohol, because she is going to think that he wants to get her drunk.

Just when it was getting a little bit late, her phone began to ring,it was Harry, she took a deep breath before picking.

"Hey "she said with a weird smile on her face

"Hey babe,just wanted to tell you I will be coming home in two days"

"Oh really, whatsup?"she was surprised to hear that he is coming home on such short notice

"I forgot a very important project I was supposed to submit in two weeks, so I wanna come and stay for five days before I leave with it"

"Oh, okay... so I will be expecting you in two days then"

"yea,wait a sec, "

"what? "

"why are you sounding so weird,is anyone with you there? "

"Uhh,yea,you know who"

"oh I'm sorry, will talk later okay, love you",he hangs up

Damn, she lied, how can she tell him she is with another guy, someone she has been loving secretly for long, she felt guilt swallowing her up. Then she turned to see Fred staring and smiling at her like a mother watching her daughter give a graduation speech. She became uneased again, that look made her very shy,she told him that she wanted to go home now, he didn't object, he didn't even ask her who called her, which Jess considered as a good thing, he led her to the gate and gave her another warm embrace, just when she was about to pull from his embrace,he leaned forward and kissed her, his lip was the warmest ,he tasted like mint and cigarettes,Jess pulled out after a few seconds and ran home.

When she got home, she was trying to wrap everything that had happened in the last two minutes together in her head, Fred actually kissed her, but he smokes, which is one habit Jess hates, he used mint to cover the smell but he didn't do a very good job and Harry is coming home soon.

"Oh damn it"

She has never so confused in her life, and guilt isn't helping matters at all.

"okay, what happens now ?"she asked herself as she sits her self on the ground with frustration written all over her face.