
Her shadows

June has spent a fourth of her life with her sick mother, listening to the stories of the shadow realm where she hears the truth about werewolves, vampires and many other entities alike. June moves to Arizona of request after her mother dies where she meets Julius and Eli as they help her uncover her secretive past, deepest desires and the truth about her childhood dreams.

Taykat101_writer · Fantasie
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13 Chs

Lovers quarrel

"Ahhh we meet again Tobias!" Magnus says with a slight smirk. Almost as if he were amused. " hello Magnus, indeed we do. Your wife rang me here. What's the matter?" Tobias asked. I gasp a little. This man was hot. His tan skin and tight muscular structure for his face was very well fitted for his character. His hair was long and messily tied up in the back. He was slender and tall. He dressed as if he just came from the human realm. I see him look over at me and smile wide. "Ah I've been waiting to meet this beauty." He says as he walks over to me. His accent was heavily British. It made me want to swoon over him like I was a fan girl. He approaches me and I hold my breath. He holds out his hand and strokes my face. I jump a little. "Your so cold." I awkwardly say, trying not to stagger backwards. Tobias moves closer to me almost to a point where our foreheads were nearly touching. "I've heard stories about you years ago. Where have you been hiding June?" He whispers to me. I swallow and clear my throat. He was uncomfortably close but I'm definitely not complaining. His slivered grey eyes sparkled with excitement as he anticipated for my response. "I um. I've been living with my mom. I never really went outside, she was sick so I took care of her." I say.

  Tobias takes a step back and claps his hands together. "I'd figure that'd be your response." He says smiling at me. I look behind me to find Julius and Eli. They both were far apart and neither were looking at me. I quietly sighed. Julius's brothers stayed home with everyone else in the den. "Alright! Now let's get down to business! Tobias we had a serious question to ask you." Katerina bellowed. She was seriously about to get on my nerves with how loud she was. She took us back to the living room to talk again. "Do you know if June will have the same life span as a vampire or will it be severed because she's half human?" Katerina Continued. We all looked at Tobias who had his back turned away from us and was standing by the fireplace. "As long as I've been around I have knowledge that indeed she will be able to pursue a long life as long as she has a certain amount of vampire blood in her. In this case it's 50/50, she'll begin her slow aging in her mid twenties just like the rest of you." He responded whilst talking to the fireplace.  

  I didn't know how to feel. If I get to live forever then there's a high chance of me running into my father. "That's more than correct June." Tobias agreed. I look up to see him smiling down at me. "I couldn't resist digging in that little brain of yours. I've only known a few of you half breeds in my lifetime and yet you all are so fascinating." He continued with a sly grin. "Well was that all? Only one question?" He asked. We all shook our head and he walked back to the fireplace. "Well then I guess my work here is done. If you need anything else just ring me I'm never far. And June... I want you to come visit me whenever you want, I'll be everywhere. Mr and Mrs knight have my email. Bye bye now." He said as he waved his arm above the fireplace where a blue portal appeared. He walked through it and him and the portal where gone. As we finished this little meeting of ours Katerina and Magnus lead us back into the foyer to say goodbye. "Your grandfather and I would love for you to visit again. It gets lonely when it's only your uncle ever keeping us company, the rest are always hunting." Katerina told me as she held both of my hands together.

  I nod and walk out the front doors with the others. On our way back i realize that no one other than my family or Tobias has even talked to me yet. I clear my throat and walk up to Julius. "Hey handsome, why are avoiding me." I ask him as we walk side by side. The black market was coming into view again. I shivered. I don't hear Julius respond so I look up at him. He's clenching his jaw and looking nowhere else but ahead. I scoff. We continued walking through the black market and I stayed close to him until we were out safely. I didn't want to pester him but god, I just want to know what I did wrong. I roll my eyes and push him... hard. He looks at me with a strong intent of anger. "You know what I'm so sick of you June. Your so stupid! Why do you think I'm mad at you? You keep asking me what's wrong as if your all innocent. So tell me the truth. Why, were you and Eli kissing back at the market in the alley way before we visited your cult?" He spat at me.

  I widen my eyes. Holy shit when did he see us? And then it hit me. When he stayed behind for that stupid necklace. I put my palm to my face and sigh. How the hell am I supposed to respond. Im in love with Eli too? He did ask me to be honest. "I love her Julius.." I say quietly. I see him throw his hands up and wipe his face dramatically. "Oh my fucking GOD JUNE. When can I ever just be happy to be with you? Never? Last time, what? You told me to leave you alone about coming here and then you SLEEP with me! WE BONDED! What part of that do you not understand?? Now your gonna turn around and tell me that your in love with Eli too??" He whimpered. Every word of his stung me in the back so hard I began to recoil. I knew this reaction of his was coming but I figured he'd just break up with me and walk away. "Julius I just need time to think about this. I don't even know if I'm capable of keeping a relationship." I say to him. At this point his face is red and I look away quickly. I hear him walk off and take a deep breath. What have I gotten myself into? I feel like I'm going to be asking myself this question a lot.