
Chapter 5.

"We were together all evening, fantasizing, laughing and everything was fine until Anastasia saw us. I felt her jealousy from afar, I sensed that something bad was going to happen...

"Sebastian my love what are you doing here" she said.

A cold sweat ran through me, did you say "my love"?

I was all confused!

Not even 10 seconds passed, Sebastian got up, whispered in my ear

"I will explain everything to you" and ran towards Anastasia.

I was left alone there in confusion.

I can't explain how angry I was, i felt like fire was comming out of me.

Because i didn't have anything to do I went back to tell Emily everything.

"What happend?" She asked.

"We ware talking, I said i would give him a chance and after a while Anastasia came, he told me that he will explain everything and left me there!!!"

"He might have a good reason" Emily said.

"What reason could he have, I don't understand!"

"Wait a little bit, tomorrow he will come for sure and you will see why he left." Emily said

"I hope he will have a good reason, because if he don't it's over for us!

"He will don't worry" she said.

"I am so angry, i will go to sleep and we will see what happens tomorrow!"

"Okay, good night Elizabeth" said Emily.

Next morning Emily woke me up in a hurry

"Elizabethh!!! Wake up, bad news!!!"

"What??What happend?"

"Sebastian is getting married with Anastasia!!"

"WHAT???? I don't undestand what is going on!?"

"Royal palace just announced that the crown prince is getting married to Anastasia and the wedding is in a week." Emily told me.

"I have no words anymore, i don't know what to say."

"Me too, I am too shocked to say anything!" Emily said.

"Let's pretend nothing happend, no one knows about me and Sebastian anyway."

"Okay, let's do that for now" said Emily with a worrying tone."

One week passed, I didn't get any news from Sebastian, and finally the wedding ceremony came.

Afcourse the Frost frmily was invited to the wedding so Emily took me as her attendent.

When we arrived all eyes ware on us, everyone ware wondering who i was.

We walked to the royal family and we congradulated them for the wedding.

When Sebastian saw me he freezed.

After a while the ceremony started

" You Anastasia will you get merried to Sebastian and have him as your husband?" Said the pope.

"Yes" said Anastasia.

"And you Sebastian, will you get merried to Anastasia and have her as your wife?" Pope asked.

While looking me in the eyes Sebastian said

"No, I already have a mate."

Everyone freezed!

"What is going on?" The audience said.

Nobody knew what was going on.

Suddenly Sebastian grabbed my hand and said

"She is my mate, i will marry no one but her!"

"What is happening?" I asked him.

"They are trying to force me in a marriage with someone I don't like." Sebastian said.

"But why didn't you tell me anything until now?"

"They were keeping a close eye on me. I was afraid that you will be in danger." He said.

"Do you think anyone can hurt me?"

"I don't know." Sebastian said while looking me as if I were the most precious thing in the world.