

Catherine made a beeline for her table which was near the windows while Kyril followed behind. Coming to a stop, she turned to glare at him.

"You do know you don't have to sit with me at lunch right?"

He smiled, "I know."

She sat and folded her arms, "You could just sit at the cool table".

Kyril followed her line of sight to a table filled with about ten expensively dressed people. The girls there noticed his looking and giggled while flipping their hair and fluttering their eyelashes in a seductive manner.

Ewww. Constipated much?

Kyril gave them all a blank stare and turned back to Catherine with a smirk. "I'd rather sit with you thanks".

She shrugged, "Suit yourself ".

Bringing out a large binder and a sandwich from her bag, she proceeded to completely ignore him and was doing a good job of it for about ten seconds.


Pretending to not have heard him, she kept her eyes firmly on her homework.

Kyril grinned at the obvious challenge.



"Kitty kat"

"Catty bear"


Catherine slammed her hand on the table," What?"

Kyril opened his mouth to reply when a scream reached their ears.

"Kitty kat!!"

A blur of pink and black flew at Catherine and almost knocked her down. The small female held tightly to Catherine as they both giggled.

"Oh my gosh, I missed you soooooo much kitty kat. I swear I almost died of boredom in London. Next time come with me".

She looked up to Catherine with huge light green puppy dog eyes lined with dark green liner.

Catherine laughed, "You know I can't promise you anything. She'd never let me".

The girl huffed pouting, "She never let's you do anything .Your aunt's a major bitch, I swear".

Catherine gasped and smacked her hand lightly, "Emmy!".

Emmy laughed and finally noticed the other person at the table.

"DAMN CATHERINE! Nice catch. He's fucking HOT!".

Catherine stuttered and blushed, "He's not... I'm not... He's new!".

Emmy laughed and got off her lap,"You've always worked fast so I'm not really surprised. Good job Catherine".

She ignored Catherine's attempts to explain and reached out a hand , "Hi. I'm Emerald, Emmy for short. The ultra super cool one and only bff of the nerd right beside me. Nice to meet you,hottie."

Kyril smiled at her and shook her hand. "I'm kyril, the hottie currently interested in your only and only bff. Nice to meet you".

The two began a conversation leaving Catherine to sputter hopelessly at them.

She was about to break them up when a hand landed on her shoulder.

She gasped loudly and whirled around to face the smiling blond scratching his head sheepishly.

"Hey Catherine ".

Catherine beamed at him and patted the sit next to her ignoring the dark glare kyril sent the way of the blond and Emmy sneering at the new comer.

"Hi Edward. Oh my gosh, how have you been? How was New York?.

Edward shrugged, "Same old, same old. My dad says hi".

Catherine grinned at him,"Really? That's nice of him". Then she frowned, "How did he apologise for the birthday thing?".

Edward's smile dimmed, "Same way. More allowance and a new phone. Even sent my mom money to buy me a new car. He barely spoke to me while I was there. Completely focused on work even at meal times."

He rolled his eyes and sighed, "I totally get why they split up now".

Catherine frowned and placed a hand on his,"Eddie..."

"Hi Eddie!"

Edward's eyes finally moved from Catherine to Emmy smiling brightly at the other end of the table then landed on the intimidating male beside her currently staring him.

"Umm hi Emmy". He looked back at Catherine, "Who's this?"

Catherine slipped her hand away and gestured between them,"Edward this is Kyril, he's new. Kyril this is Edward. He's a friend of mine".

Kyril smirked at the introduction and stretched out his hand, "Hello Catherine's friend Edward".

Edward shook his hand and quickly let go, shooting him a disturbed look. Kyril smirked at him. Limp wrist bastard.

Suddenly, Kyril's phone rang disrupting the glaring contest between the two boys.

Kyril answered with a sharp, "Calix".

The other person on the line spoke for a moment causing Kyril to sigh and hang up. He stood taking his hoodie and bag with him while shoving his phone into his back pocket.

Smirking at the occupants of the table who seemed to be startled by his height and build, especially those tattoos, he looked apologetically at Catherine.

"Sorry, I gotta go".

Catherine frowned and stood, "But we still have three periods before school ends?".

Kyril shrugged and smirked before repeating his words, "I gotta go".

Catherine stared dumbfounded at him,"Just like that? What about your homework?".

"Gimme your number and you can text me the questions ".

Catherine shook her head and looked down blushing lightly, "I don't have a phone".

Kyril's pierced eyebrow rose as he looked disbelieving at her bowed head.

No phone? In this day and age?, I definitely need to fix that.

Emmy raised her hand,"I have a phone, so I can text the work to you".

He smiled at her and the exchanged numbers as Catherine sat down, embarrassed.

Kyril straightened and smiled at her still pink face, "It's okay, Catherine". She nodded and turned to pack her notes.

Kyril bent and whispered in her ear before swaggering out of the building followed by the eyes of almost every female and some males who practically swooned as he passed by.

Catherine stared at his muscular back until it disappeared from view, his parting words ringing in her ears.

"See you tomorrow, kitten".

Her face was flushed and Edward took notice.

"Who the heck was that Catherine? You know we don't hang out with such people. "

Catherine turned to him shocked and annoyed, "Those kind of people? What do you mean by that? Kyril is a really nice person that you just met and you're already judging him?" Her face scrunched up furthet in confusion, "We?"

Emmy sighed and stood, "He means people who are different from him. Apart tattoos and piercings mean you're a bad person. Isn't that right Mr. born-with-a-golden-spoon-up-my-arse? Looks don't define you, Edward."

She looked down at him, her eyes a storm of anger. "You like to forget that. Come on Katy. Let's get out here."

Catherine stood up and with a glance full of disappointment, followed Emmy out of the cafeteria leaving Edward behind his heart full of sadness, resentment and a lot of anger.