
Her Newfound Freedom in 'Honor'

Zhao Yingyue was used to being a puppet used by her parents to increase their image. She was raised the perfect socialite and to marry into a good family. However, that was never anything that she wanted. When nighttime came, she was no longer the perfect puppet, she was 'Luna'. In the online word, 'Luna' was an anomaly as no one knew who she was since she covered her face when she played. She wanted more but never thought it achievable. That's until she has one fateful blind date that saves her. Enter Liu Haoyu. When in desperate situations, the two band together to help each other out, finding freedom and maybe... love in the end. Who knows what the future holds for these two? This story is about a rise to greatness in character and e-sports along with a main couple's romance and maybe a few side couples.

Daoist0rPN5Q · Teenager
Zu wenig Bewertungen
44 Chs

Chapter 38: Where's The Pen?

"Are you ready?

The couple was now a few blocks away from the hotel. That meant that Zhao Yingyue had to start covering up now. There would be no time once they were close enough for people to surround the vehicle. The window's tint wouldn't make them invisible once the reporters got closer.

She nodded silently as she grabbed her mask from her pocket to cover the lower half of her face. She then grabbed her sunglasses that had been perched upon her beanie and pull them down over her eyes.

Those would be too recognizable to people. Even when she streamed, she put brown contacts on to cover her rare blue eyes even if she typically wore a cap, too. She could never be safe with such a keen, identifying feature.

Liu Haoyu looked over at his disguised wife. Even while covered up in such a way, he found still found her beautiful. It gave him a little pride to know that she was really his and he really knew her beauty while these reporters were only able to keep guessing what she looked like.

While he was busy admiring her beauty, he was also concerned about her now that they were inching closer and closer. He didn't want anything bad to happen to her or for people to get too excited and forget that she was human, too. It happened far too much with people who had a reputation.

Right now, no one really could tell her gender between her height and baggy clothes. That was the point as it was meant to stay their secret just a little longer.

Though he knew that he had to have faith in her, it was hard not to worry. Given her public appearances before, he knew that she had to be used to crowds like this so logically, she should be alright with powering her way through. This wasn't her first brush with fame and brutal fans.

He tried to use this fact to calm himself down as they pulled up in front of the hotel. He wouldn't be allowed to show excessive protection once they were faced with the public.

The seconds it took for the chauffeur to get out and open the door felt agonizing. Every step felt like it took an eternity. He really just wanted to get this over with. It was always the first appearance that was the hardest. The only thing was this was her first first appearance but it would get more chaotic when she appeared without her disguise.

When the door finally opened, Liu Haoyu was the first to slide out and into the fray.

From inside the car, Zhao Yingyue could hear chattering. It wasn't too loud or crowded, it seemed. It couldn't be too crowded outside then. So after taking a deep breath, she slid out behind him.

The few reporters who had been standing outside felt blessed the moment they saw her. They were sure to have a scoop if they could at least get her to talk to them.

"There's another person! This has to be 'Luna'!"

Suddenly, more people started swarming around to see. There were reporters and civilians alike—all interested to catch a glimpse of her.

Murmurs piled up until they were as loud as a small crowd.

Zhao Yingyue looked around herself and scanned the people closing in on all sides. She subconsciously took a step closer to Liu Haoyu. So much for the few people that she'd thought she'd have to deal with.

She had been used to people swarming around her before but that was as Zhao Yingyue, not as her gaming alter ego who was about to sign her contract with her dream team! And when she made it through, she'd be the first woman to actually make it through to the season.

Still, she needed to focus and stand strong. She couldn't appear weak during her first appearance to the public as 'Luna'.

Liu Haoyu had looked down at her with concern out of the corner of his eye. He couldn't turn his head completely to acknowledge her or act too affectionate. He let out a silent sigh in relief when he saw her steel up.

'There's my wife!'

The two made sure steps toward the hotel doors where security had just spilled out to hold the accumulating crowd back. Zhao Yingyue couldn't help but feel relieved at their appearance and the help that they would provide.

"Luna, Luna! Is that really you?"

"Luna, Luna! Are you really going to join Q5?"

"Are you really just a guy in disguise like the rumors going around online are saying?"

"Luna, Luna..."

All around her, voices were shouting her alter ego's name and asking question after question in an attempt to get a big story out of it.

Zhao Yingyue did all that she could to ignore the constant barrage of questions and continue her advance. She knew that they would keep asking and eventually she would answer. But that chance was still some time away. For now, her identity had to stay a secret.

"Luna, Luna! Turn this way! We're your fans and we want a picture with you! Can't you spare us one?"

"Luna, Luna! Please acknowledge us."

Zhao Yingyue, in an attempt to not upset any allies she could make before the reveal, looked their way and nodded in greeting. Even if she couldn't say anything, she could still be polite.

This just led to more people shouting. The main message that she received was that everyone wanted her to reveal herself and have the next big scoop. They wanted to be the first ones to expose the big news.

When they disappeared behind the hotel doors, only then was the sound muffled. It wasn't completely silent but it was quiet enough that she didn't feel as overwhelmed by the noise anymore.

Zhao Yingyue sighed behind her mask but continued following Liu Haoyu toward the elevators. She had no idea where they were going—only that he would likely lead her to the team where she could finally take a breather. And then, she'd finally sign her signature on the contract that she was ready for.

Once the two of them were in the elevator alone, she felt safe enough to speak.

"Are we headed to see the others now?"

Liu Haoyu nodded his head. "Yes. When we get there, you will sign the contract but we won't have much time for pleasantries with the others because we will have to rush out and to the airport not long after. There isn't much time for rest for now, wifey. I'm sorry."

She smiled gently at him even though it was hidden behind the mask. "Okay. There's no need to apologize, I've already prepared for this."

The elevators wa enveloped in silence again as they ascended the building. They stepped out of the elevator only once they reached the highest floor.

Once they stepped out, there was a door in front of them. Liu Haoyu typed a code into it and it unlocked. He held the door open for Zhao Yingyue, who she hurried into the safety of a room without reporters.

Inside, the team members were lounged around on different surfaces in the room with their phones out and their bags scattered lazily around the room.

Engrossed in whatever they were doing, they all quickly murmured their greetings without looking up. Zhao Yingyue couldn't help but wonder what they were doing. Maybe they were playing some sort of game that they were invested in.

Toward the back of the room, there were three people standing there in all seriousness with professional clothes on. It looked as if they had been waiting for the pair's arrival.

The first to catch her eye was Wu Bocheng.

Once she signed her contract, it was his shoes that she would be made to fill. Meeting him here made her feel immense pressure. She'd have to do justice by his choice to have her succeed him.

Next to him was someone she had only seen a few times before on television when the team would go to the tournaments. It was the manager of TBQ5: Chen Guo.

To her, he wasn't as intimidating but she had respect for him as he was her senior and she would be in his care for the duration of her time on the team. She wanted to make a good impression.

The person next to him was also a familiar face. On the videos she watched of their competitions, she recognized this man as the coach of the team: Deng Yaozu.

Deng Yaozu had been a legend of his own time in the game that was considered a predecessor to "Honor". Watching his gameplay had actually been what got her so interested in the first place.

Unfortunately, he had been forced into retirement after he broke his wrist in an accident. Everyone knew that after an accident like that, forced retirement was your only outcome.

Your reaction time would never recover and the hours training would strain your injury and cause a relapse. It's only selfish to try to keep going and drag your team down with you.

Still, this was the man that she admired the most.

Once she stood before them, she bowed her head, greeting them, "Good afternoon! I'm Zhao Yingyue and it's really nice to meet you. From now on, I will be in your care. I will do my best!"

The three men, who had been stiff with a straight face before, all cracked smiles. They had planned to act a little more intimidating but they couldn't help find her nervous reaction rather humorous. No one on the team was really one for pleasantries and preferred and more intimate environment.

When she lifted her head again, Chen Guo was the first to speak. "We can go through the formalities later. How about we get your contract signed first?"

Zhao Yingyue recalled that Liu Haoyu had said there would be little time for pleasantries and nodded. She followed Chen Guo into one of the bedrooms. Lying flat on the bed was a copy of the contract. To her, it was more precious than the most expensive jewel.

Chen Guo said, "We'll give you a few minutes to read through it and ask any questions if you need to. We'll be right outside."

He then walked out of the room and left her alone with the contract.

Zhao Yingyue picked it up and sat on the bed. She then started reading through the pages.

The contract consisted of a lot of technicalities as she read through but there were only a few things that she found to be more important.

Firstly, streaming was now a requirement instead of a hobby. She needed to stream a minimum of thirty hours a month—which would approximately be an hour a day. That wasn't a problem since she was sure her viewers would be excited to see her on more often. Especially after she did a face reveal

Secondly, she had to keep a minimum solo rank of Grand Master 3. That part might be the challenging part since a lot of that would depend on her teammates and how upset they already are. Then as a team, they must hold a rank of Grand Master 1. Even though that's the game's highest rank, that was fair since only the Top 100 could hold a position there.

Thirdly, she was to practice according to the team's training schedule which was usually on a 9/9/6 basis. That's 9am-9pm everyday for six days. That was the only thing that would make her finding time to stream harder.

Other things listed were mainly rules when facing the public such as making a scene intoxicated or breaking laws or doing anything to carelessly scorn the name of the team. Things like that could result in a penalty to her pay.

Fair enough.

With a content smile, she popped out of the bedroom.

"So you left me the contract but uhmmm... where's the pen?"