
The first time I saw her (part 2)

She was still at the same place. This time she was sitting near the sink, not standing. When she saw me, our eyes locked together. Until she mysteriously disapeared.

But then she started appearing a few seconds and disappearing again. I took a few steps closer. I reached my hand out to touch her. My hands was inches away from her. But then she disappeared again. I stayed here, frozen. Was I expecting for her to reappear? Or was I just traumatized? I think both. I retuned to my bed to go to sleep. I couldn't even shut my eyes so there was no point in trying to sleep.

All night I was wondering who she was, Where she came from, why was she crying, what happened to her...

Finally, I decided I was gonna talk to her. I wanted to know more about her. That was my goal. Finding this girl and talking to her.

In the morning, when I got out of bed, I immediately ran to the bathroom. I ran so fast I could barely stop my self from running into the wall. When I opened the door, she wasn't here, so I waited. After brushing my teeth and eating my breakfast, I returned to my room and saw her in my bathroom sitting all alone, staring at the mirror. I gathered the courage to go talk to her. I walked up to her and when she saw me, her eyes widened. I smiled warmly at her, making sure I don't scare her away. I sat next to her as I started introducing myself. Honesty, she seemed nice and innocent so I don't think she is one of those ghosts who scare humans and do tricks on them.

"Hey. I'm Alexander." I said.

She looked at me, shocked, and asked me "You can see me?".

I nodded. "I don't know how or why, but yes, I can see you."

She smiled shily and added "It's nice to meet you Alexander."

"What's your name?" I asked.

"Umm"..."I don't remember.."

I raised an eyebrow at her response. "What do you mean? You don't remember your name?"

She shook her head. "No, I don't think so. In fact I don't even know who I am. I don't even know why or how I got here."

I obviously had a shocked look so she explained.

"I guess that when we die, we just forget everything from real life."

I stayed silent for a few moments, not knowing what to say.

"So what do I call you then?" I finally asked

"You can call me... Z" she responded

"Z? as in the letter Z"?

She smiled. "Yeah. I don't know. I just like this letter."

I giggled. "Okay".

We started talking after that. About anything and everything. We became friends. I asked her a few questions like if she met any other ghosts. She responded as best as she could. "I didn't meet any other ghosts, but I heard them sometimes, like if they were close, I could hear them." she said.

And day, after day, I slowly started developing feelings for her. I liked her personality. Her kindness. Her smile. Her funny side. Her way of perspective. I sometimes wonder how it would have felt if.. she wasn't a ghost.