

You wake up to birds chirping and a sleeping Peter with his arm wrapped around your waist. Smiling you gently pry his arm off of you and walk to the bathroom. You brush your teeth and comb your y/h/c hair. You walk into your kitchen and start to make breakfast, pancakes, eggs, and bacon. As you flip a pancake two arms grab your waist and a face burrows into the crook of your neck.

" Morning beautiful." The voice tiredly mumbles.

" Morning handsome." You say smiling and turning to peck his lips. Peter smiles and kisses you back.

" I gotta go wake the lost boys and train them again, why don't you go explore the island a bit. Just as long as you stay in the vicinity of the camp." He says taking his pancakes. You smile excitedly.

" Thanks for the delicious pancakes Love." Peter says putting his dish away after washing it. You nod and continue eating you breakfast. After Peter leaves you get up and change out of your pajamas. ( Imagine wearing whatever you like.), and start to climb down the ladder. You don't even get to touch the ground before your hit in the back of the head.

'Not again' You think as darkness tumbles towards you.


You wake up in a prison cell with restraints pinning your arms to the wall. Struggling, you try and get out of the cuffs but they're to tight. Annoyed you say a few curse words under your breath.

" Now, now, that's some foul language young lady." A raspy voice chastises.

" Who's there!" You shout, again straining against the cuffs that have you pinned. You squint your eyes to see through the darkness but your eyes still aren't accustomed to the dim darkness.

" Feisty are we?" The voice says coming into the dim light of a torch. " Well, I'm Captain Hook and you are on the Jolly Roger." The pirate, Captain Hook, says. Widening your eyes you struggle even more against the cuffs restraining you.

" Oh, you can't get out of them cuffs, they're stainless steel." He says looking at his shiny hook, did he seriously name himself after his hook? That's the most pathetic thing you've ever heard.

" Peter will find me and he will kill you!" You spit, you don't trust this man. One, he's ugly, Two, he named himself after a hook, Three, he underestimates you and Peter.

" Oh sweetheart, I highly doubt that, your just a Pawn in the evil boys game." He says looking away from his hook and back at you. " You see, I know Pan, me and him go way back. And I know he wouldn't go looking for a girl. " He replies confidently.

" Oh, you're wrong. Peter would never abandon his lost boys or me, now you, I can understand if he abandoned you." You retort. He glares at you and walks up to the bars,

" You talking back to me girl? I swear I will slit your throat if you say one more thing." He threatens waving his hook around. You glare at him, biting back a rude comeback.