
Their second meeting

Arya's friends soon showed up at Jasmine's humble aboard. Though Jasmine had tried to be brave , she could feel her body tremble as the group of friends came in.

The first person she noticed was Lorenzo. He was dressed to kill if she was to describe his looks. All the others looked the same. It seemed as though she was the only one under dressed. She stood out like a sore thumb which increased her anxiety .

Arya watched her "friend " as her eyes filled with amusement. Jasmine looked out of place but of course that was the main point of the invitation. Arya introduced her set of friends and soon they were chatting and lounging around Jasmine's single room apartment.

On the other hand, the poor girl was forced to host her guests as she baked and served them snacks. She was relieved to be in the kitchen away from that crowd of friends. She felt uncomfortable in their company hence baking cookies in the kitchen was a welcomed chore for her.

Lorenzo excused himself to go and keep her company. It was all part of the plan but he knew deep in his heart that he was not pretending. He really wanted to be alone with her in order to get to know her better.

As he entered the kitchen, he stood at the door watching the girl sway her hips. For the few days that he have been stalking her, he had come to realize that she liked listening to music as she does her things. Now was no different.

Jasmine swayed her hips to the beat of the song. Though she was in a single strapless shirt and a lose sweat pant, it did little to hide her figure. He watched her hips sway from side to side as she baked. The kitchen smelled so good like spring and jasmine. He chucked at his thought.

His body moved automatically towards hers as his hands fell on her waist. She froze in place forgetting what she was doing. He used his chin to lower her headphones before sensually whispering in her ears, " you look so good saying your hips and you smell even better.! "

The deep voice resonated in her ears making her body shiver. She pushed him away and stepped away from him. "Its rude to touch a girl without her permission. " she didn't think that she could say those words but it came out loud and clear.

Feisty. Yum. I like, he thought as he raised his hand in an I surrender motion. " I am sorry. You looked so tempting that I couldn't hold back. You are the first person that I have touched who didn't like my touch. I feel honored."

Jasmine looked at the guy wearily. Yes, she was crushing so hard on him but she didn't like how he just intruded into her personal space. Her single room apartment was divided into three compartment. One part acting as her bedroom . The other was divided into a kitchen and living room.

She considered her kitchen her sacred place and this man had just invaded it.

"I don't like people invading my privacy. Kindly ask before you do that next time." Lorenzo was amused. She called the tiny space invading her privacy? Well, that was interesting.

Yet, he felt compelled to apologize once more. I guess I will have a lot of fun playing around with you. He thought.

" I am sorry, I thought you needed help since my friends are all foodies. I have never cooked anything but felt that I should help with the work load."

The innocent girl felt her heart race at his sincere tone. She felt guilty for snapping at him but cancelled the thought of apologizing in her head. He was at fault anyway. She didn't like how he took the liberty to touch her without consent.

" I am fine on my own. Thank you. " Lorenzo thought he heard wrong. This happened to be the first time he got rejected so blatantly and politely to his amusement. He was not used to that. He was used to having his way no matter who or what he wanted.

Was he ready to accept her rejection though? Hell no. In contrast to his thoughts, he decided to leave her alone but not before he irritated her enough to give him her phone number. He left feeling like he just got a new mission.

He went back to his sets of friends and joined them. They joked around about how their plans were going. Arya couldn't hide her bitterness though. She liked the plan but hated the part where Lorenzo had to implement.

She admitted to herself that though jasmine rarely put on make up or dressed up, she looked naturally breathtaking. Any man have to be blind to not notice that. If one really looked beyond her buggy clothes, they would notice how gorgeous she was.

On the other hand Arya had to put a lot of thoughts into her clothes and looks before she dared to step out. She had to follow a strict diet in order to stay in shape. For instance, the cookies that she have had today will all go into the toilet the moment she got home.

For the one month she has known jasmine, the girl ate like she had a hole in her stomach but never gained weight. She had even tried to feed her junk food with the hope of making her gain weight but alas. Her metabolic rate seems to be a miracle.

She hated how the girl looked beautiful without trying. She hated how she could eat anything without worrying about gaining any extra weight. She loathed how she was contented with the little that she had.

She despised how kind she was. In fact she hated everything about her. What she hated the most, however, was how Lorenzo's eyes sparkled each time her name was mention in their discussion. He might deny it but she knew that look so well. As well as she knew herself.

That was the same look she saw in the mirror every morning as she day dream of him.

" She is playing hard to get. Say Riya, what does she like and what does she hate.? I want to be done with this as first as I can. I don't want to waste my time on irrelevant things.

" There is nothing irrelevant in this world. Everything and everyone had their value.

No matter small or big. Destitute or rich, everyone is relevant in life. For instance, in a company where the hierarchy is very vivid and distinct, the janitor is the most relevant person. That lady who prepares snacks for the workers is one without whom most would not be comfortable without.

That intern who runs the little errands might be more relevant than the permanent employee in the company. Pardon my intrusion. I didn't hear what you were saying. Just heard the irrelevant part. I hope you don't mind my input. "

"Not at all. I concur with you wise little lady." This came from Tristan. He found her thoughts quite impressive . He was a deep thinker himself and valued other people's presence in his life.

Lorenzo swallowed hard as he breathed out a sigh of relief. For a moment there, he thought he was caught.

He smiled silently. The youths ate and drunk enjoying the warm home made cookies. Time went by real quick until it was finally time for the guests to bid the host goodnight. They left after thanking her for the warm welcome. This day marked the beginning of Jasmine's misery.