
The Meeting

Alice was forced back by her foster brother. Not long after, Edgar rushed towards his office with a hot pack in hand. He was in a panic. This was the first time Jasmine's pain was this intense. Or so he thought.

All along, Max took care of her, and they have disregarded it thinking it was nothing serious. It was a first for him to witness how vulnerable she was on her periods. He felt disappointed in himself for not paying enough attention to her needs.

Edgar found Travis holding Jasmine in his arms, and handed over the hot pack. Not wasting more time, Travis helped Jasmine place the hot pack on her lower abdomen to relieve some of the pain she felt.

A few minutes went by, with the room in silence as the father and son alternated between holding Jasmine in a comfortable position. Max eventually made it to the office. Looking at his sister, he prepared an injection and gave her a shot. There was no sign of panic on his face.