
The coded message

Jasmine hung up the phone and rubbed at her temple. It was already noon. The previous night's mission has taken a toll on her.

Truthfully, she has not had a good rest since she was kidnapped. She missed her haven. Jayden. His embrace was her home.

He made her feel loved and cherished. Last night, she had felt safe too. Levi's presence helped her sleep. He had cuddled her to sleep.

She took out the transmitter they used to communicate with agent B and sent the coded message. Her father's voice had been excited and nervous when he called.

She placed the thoughts at the back of her head as she completed her task. She had a long day ahead of her. They all did.


A figure walked inside a highly modernized technological room. He wore a trench coat and a mask. Every inch of his body was hidden from view including his eyes.

As he walked inside, the room lit up automatically opening a technologically prepared field. His personal space.