

Bastian's heartbeat accelerated. His son? Albeit the powerful drumming of his organ, he could feel the warmth that his touch sent throughout his body.

It wasn't like what he felt when Edgar held him. Neither was it the same as the emotions he experienced when hugging Jasmine and the others.

So different it was such that tears fell freely from his orbs. The feeling of having his child hold him was foreign to him.

Then shame set in. He could have had it all. He could have known this feeling and recognised his only biological child if he had been a good father.

Acknowledging his failure set his heart in motion again. The thought of all the things he missed was hard to swallow. It was borderline painful as the lists of things he missed went through his mind.

He had missed his son's being born, his first time crying. He failed to hold his hand as he learnt to hold them. Missed the first time when he opened his eyes.