
Late-night tryst

He tossed and turned in bed. The sleep he craved was far away from his reach. Tonight, he longed for the thoughts that would cause so much that I passed out.

There was none. He was no longer mourning for a dead person. Now, his pain was of a different kind. He was pining for the same person he mourned for before.

The same person who was now disappointed in him. He couldn't sleep no matter how much he tried. Not until he cleared things with her.

She has always been his guide. The person he listened to the most and considered much more. Her words meant more to him than an award or a title.

Yet the sharpness of her disappointment was what haunted him tonight. The words cut deeper than a knife into his soul. He could no longer take it.

Liam sat up and changed out of his pyjamas. He needed to see her. With the resources at his disposal, he already knew where she lived.