

Mark looked up, meeting her gaze. She had no emotions in them. She had made it again. On the other hand, his eyes were filled with conflicting ones. 

He hated feeling uncertain and overwhelmed. She wanted nothing to do with him and that irked him to no end.

Her stance was evident of her desire to get out yet his body combined her inside. Feeling disdained, he spoke.

" Why is it that I feel crappy but can't get the apology out? And why don't you have any emotions in those eyes? Are you human or something?"

She only raised a brow at his words. He felt frustrated and took a step forward removing the space between them.

 He stretched out his hand intending to hold her shoulder only to be blocked off swiftly by a quick elbow movement.

Her defence towards his gesture ticked him off further. He did something stupid then out of frustration.