

Charlie to Luna's surprise was good in the kitchen. The scent of food drifted through the house into her nose. No matter how much she hated the man, she loved food.

Her love for food was slightly more than the average person's. In other words, the way to her heart was simply through her stomach.

She didn't care about her wound as she tried to sit up from bed. She groaned at the soreness but it didn't stop her. Luna was on a mission. 

She went to the wardrobe and picked her favorite hoodie. Her sweatpants were still on her frame, something she was grateful for. 

Luna strode towards the kitchen. She pulled out a chair and sat at the table waiting for the food to be served. 

Charlie looked back and gave her a disapproving look. "Shouldn't you be in bed? You aren't supposed to walk around after getting stabbed. "

She shrugged, making herself comfortable. "I am ravenous. The fragrance pulled me out of the bed so, it's your fault. Is it ready yet?"