

Luna never got the chance to sleep after her little chat with the man. If he knew how much she loathed him, he wouldn't get that close to her. 

Fortunately, she has perfected her acting skills. There was no female agent alive who could beat her at seduction and camouflage. Except for the two seniors she met before. 

Walking through the door of her two-bedroom apartment, she let the exhaustion roll over her. She threw the keys on the table and made her way to the bedroom. 

Her entire body was reeked of drugs. Something she loathed, only second to Charlie. Before she could open her bedroom, she felt a movement behind her. 

A cold metallic object was pressed against her kidney. She froze momentarily. By the time she recovered, her assailant had her tied down to the bed. 

He was without a doubt capable of his movement unlike any she ever encountered. Levi didn't know if he should feel proud or disappointed that he caught her so easily.