
A stormy Day

Arya woke up after yet another night of restlessness. Her life was quickly becoming a nightmare. Fortunately, they were all given five days off after the successful launch of their products.

The girl sat up and looked at the man sleeping by her side. Ty. It was after Jasmine's reappearance that she began to understand how much she was dependent on him.

With the attitude she had been putting on, he could have easily abandoned her. He didn't. He had stayed by her side and helped her through her hysteria.

Jasmine was a nightmare she wanted to forget but one that would, unfortunately, haunt her for life. She was afraid. If the girl decided to follow up on everything that had happened to her, she would be doomed.

Her best friend. Towards Arya, Jasmine had been true until the very end. She gave her multiple chances to apologize, forgive her, and treat her better than a sibling.