
Untitled Chapter

Seeing Kunle’s mom made my heart skip and I tightened my hand around kunle’s wrist and I close my eyes and blew out a relieve air, I am scared of her taunts and most especially now we are in a public place and I am so scared of her calling me names. GG

Kunle looked into my eyes and he lean his ear to my ear and he whispers to me.ghj

“ I am here” he says and I smile even though the fear on my face is still visible but with Kunle’s word , I felt someone has my back.

Looking at the young lady Kunle’s mom was talking too, she look really beautiful, classy and gorgeous but not as beautiful as me, yes because I believe God created every human being to be beautiful even though we talk about some people being ugly but I believe if you embrace the yourself, love yourself , you are the most beautiful to yourself, beauty really needs confidence which why I am so confidence that I am the most beautiful woman and no one can call me ugly that I will agree.

They were standing close to the pool because it’s a pool party.

Kunle’s mom and the girl walked away still discussing and that was when I saw Lara from behind flashing a smile at Kunle and my mood change , I look away and Kunle looks to my face and he smiles.

Yes, I am jealous, I can’t stand seeing Kunle with his Ex, Lara picks a glass of wine while I was fuming in anger although, I try to stay calm but those who are closer to me even Kunle can’t deny that he doesn’t know that I am already going crazy because of the sight of that girl Lara .

I was still fuming in anger when I felt a wet kiss on my cheek and I was glad for what he did and I smile making eye contact with her and I could read her lips sync that she hissed with a frown taking over the smiling face and she looked away and furiously drop her glass into the tray and walk away while I look at Kunle and he smile at me.

“ You like that” he says softly both of us looking into each other’s eyes and still holding my hand”.

“Yes, I love it, thank you” I said and I gave him a kiss on his cheek and I heard a familiar voice that I do not want to hear, one person I do not want to go closer to.

I move my lips away from Kunle’s cheek and I look into his eyes with panic and he tighten his grip around my hand and keeps shaking it for me to know he is here with me.

I moved away from facing him to his side but we still had our hands tightened around each other’s hand .

It’s Kunle’s mom and his Dad and the lady I saw standing with his mom when we just entered into the venue.

“ Hey son” she says smiling at her son and would look at me in a very bad way and I just decided to take a walk , I try to remove my hand from his grip but he tightened his hand around my grip and I look into his eyes but he was looking at his mom but I was still struggling out my hand from his grip and he held my hand tight not looking at me.

“ Juliana , don’t you think you and fiancée should try and have some private conversation” I quickly swing my head to the side like that of a robot and I was filled with jealousy and anger that  wanted to leave at that point because he never mentioned to me that there was another girl, it’s true that I am not his real girlfriend but for now I am the one everyone knows and I want to enjoy the moment alone, I am human, I can’t stand another woman trying to claim Kunle from me, the girl was glaring daggers at me and I also did a wonderful work by eyelashing her and she turns to Kunle and she wanted to hold his hand and he withheld his hand and I smile happily.

“Oh, don’t even mind that one that is standing beside the future governor, I know you know her story right” his mom says.

“ She has a name, her name isn’t one” he says firmly.

And my moody and angry face brightens up, I feel so happy that he just defend me , I feel like kissing him all over his face but I am still angry that he has a Fiancée before all the whole arrangement and he never told me.

“ Son , I think you need a private time with Juliana, I and your mom will keep Shade’s company” his mom said and I was expecting him not to go but he did and I became angry and they both took a walk away from me and I moved away angrily and his mom held my hand and I roll my eyes and she comes to stand in front of me and move and sips the drink in her hand and smiles .

“Oh dear, I can see you have cheek puff” she laughs. “ your eyes seems to be becoming red and I can see your hands are becoming nervous” she laughs. “ Oh God, he just walk out on you with his real fiancée, so sad but I think you need to start getting this feelings so that you will get used to it by the time his fiancée would take over” she says.

I had tears on my face but I was trying hard not to make it fall from my eyes but it fell off my face , I walk away to dry my face , as I was walking in a haste a leg crossed my path but because I was in a haste before I could look up, I fell flat to the floor and Iook up and it was Lara’s leg and she smiled sheepishly.

“ Oh my God , I am so sorry, how could you not be careful enough to fall” she said trying to be kind towards me and she tries to help me up but I hit her hand away from my hand and I stood up dusting my body and I saw Kunle coming towards me and because I was so mad at me I move backward and I didn’t realized that I was close to the pool and I fell into the pool and all the girls close to the pool and laugh while all the young girls put up

their phones to start covering me, I feel embarrassed and I can’t even swim and I was struggling with getting out of the water and I was beginning to drown but struggling hard not to get drown and some of the hotel securities rushes towards me even one of Kunle’s bodyguard jumps into the water to save but Kunle himself dived into the water and took me away from his bodyguard that was trying to rescue me, Kunle didn’t care he was well dressed or the governor aspirant of the state, he dived into the water and carried me out, thank God I was yet to start swallowing some water and he carried me a bridal style looking into my face , fear writing all over his face and he walked out in the midst of the people carrying me and looking into my face, I was cold but I made sure because of Juliana and Lara that was present that I put my hand round his neck and place my head on his chest and I could feel how his chest was beating fast and I look to his face, at this point I forgot that I was trying to show off to Lara or Juliana but his heart beat gave me concern, he looked down at me again and he said.

“ Do you want me to die? 

“No “ I looked at him, he was so emotional.

“ if anything happens to you I won’t forgive myself” he a said staring into my face and I feel like beating myself up.

“ I am so sorry that I made you go through all of this” I said and his bodyguard followed us, I realized he had his own VIP suite in the hotel, we entered into the elevator and his bodyguards press on a button and it took us to the upper floor and he got out of the elevator carrying me.

“ I am fine put me down? I said and he tightened his grip on me and I look at him.

“ I won’t put you down until I know you are not cold anymore” he said and the bodyguard opened the door and he took me in and he takes me to the bedroom .he places my feet on the ground and he unlock his phone and gave me his cellphone to order for dresses from the boutique downstairs in the hotel.

I felt so sorry that I have really cost him a lot and made him go through a lot today.

God the suite is so big and beautiful it’s my first time in such hotel and in a big suite like this.

He goes into the bathroom and gave me a bathing robe.

'thank you" I said and collected the bathing robe and I go into the bathroom and dry myself up and wear the bathing robe, I came out of the bathroom and he has already remove his blazer and shirt off , he was wearing his under wear that he wore into his shirt and the wet suit pant.'

I scroll through his phone and go to the online app of the hotel store and I found the dress section , I didn’t pick from the expensive dresses even though I find all the dresses expensive. I pick the one that I know is very cheap and I made the order of the cloth and return his phone back to him.

There was a knock on our door and one of the bodyguard opened the door and it was my mom and dad.

His mom walked in angrily and I know she has come to deal with me with the words of her mouth.

“Oh God! I should have know she is nothing but some embarrassment, imagine a whole girl that everyone sees like the future first lady of the state even though she isn’t the future first lady and you can’t even smell it, you still embarrass our son, a  pig will always  be a pig” she says.

“ Mom please can you at least let her be , you can see she is feeling very cold ,she is still trying to dry up” he says to his mom.  I had a bathing robe on.

“ Please son, let me talk, she needs to know she had done what is wrong by embarrassing the whole family, That is what she knows to do most, embarrassing my family, I won’t rake anymore embarrassment for my family from this girl” She says angrily.

“Mom please, can we just be left alone to have our privacy, we will be back at the party” he says.

“ Why should I give you some privacy? You have to come because you are needed downstairs, the party members and invitees and the press are downstairs waiting for you to give your speech and please this girl should stay here and never show her face this night again” his mom says.

“Mom, I need her to be there by my side mom, isn’t that why I have brought her along with me? He asks his mom.

“You do not need this girl whose embarrassment is her second name” she says. “ It would have been better if she didn’t come along” his Dad says.

“ Son , you are needed to give your speech downstairs, you need to assure the party member and the invitees amongst us that you are prepare to serve the nation” he says.

“ mom she would soon be ready and not long another person knocks on the door and it was the order that just arrive, I quickly go into the bathroom to dress up and I came out of the bathroom dressed and his mom stare at me in disgust.

“I am sure you did not plan to wear this cheap cloth to the party ? why are you so bent on embarrassing my family “ she says .

At this point, I just got tired, I looked at myself from head to toe and I go to sit and Kunle comes to me, he sits besides me and I look at him, I felt sorry for making him go through a lot today because of me.

“Everyone is waiting for you ,I think you should follow your parents and go and give your speech, everyone needs to be assured that you will make a good governor” I said.

“ My dress ins’t here yet, you can search for another dress or maybe we should go together so that you can pick better dresses and we can go together” He said and I gave him a smile.

“I will be fine, you don’t have to worry about me” I replied.

“I need you beside me to support me” he says and I look straight into his eyes , smiling and I held his hand, it feels like just two of us because I totally forgot his parents were there there and I could see hear his Dada clear his throat and I drop his hand.

“ You  have always have my support and you will always have my support” she says and he smiled and there was another knock on the door and the bodyguard let the person in and it was his dress that was brought and he quickly go to dress up while I just sit there and he comes to me and whisper to my ear and he places something into my hand.

“ Make me happy by coming, go and shop and look pretty as usual and still come to the party, I will be waiting” He says and I look into his eyes and he pull my cheek playfully and I look back and I could see his mom glaring daggers at me and I quickly look away while he goes to his parent and he looks back while I also look back and our eyes met and he winks at me and I look down and smile and they all left me but he made sure that I had about two bodyguard standing outside to guard me.

I open my palm and it was his gold ATM card and a message entered my phone and I opened it and it was the pin to his card and I smile at first I didn’t want to go shopping but remembering that Lara and Juliana are there , I stood up and I go shopping while the two bodyguard followed me.