

I was trying to lay our son to sleep when my phone rang, it was my dad, he called to tell me that my mom is at the hospital, I felt like my Dad should deal with her situation but my wife came to plead with me.

" I know very well your that you are very mad at her but I think you should go and check on her " she says.

" I don't want to, I just feel you and I need to just create our own world just as Simi and Peju did" I said.

She stare at me and kiss me and I didn't want the kisses to stop but I still have my son in my hand.

Daniella has also slept of on the couch.

" We already created our world and no one is stopping us anymore" my wife said.

I smiled and look at this underestimated power wife of mine that changed story and already made history for herself.

" You are indeed a super woman" I said to her.

" Thank you, you made me see the real me in those few times we spent together" she says.

" And I am glad you change that narrative of you can't do it and look at you changing the lives of women and you know what you have me here as your support, I am here whenever you need me and I will never go away from you again" I said .

" And even I want to be that shoulder that you will lean on, I want to have your shoulder to lean on to" I said as we walk to Daniella's nursery while we took Daniella to the room one of the children rooms in the house.



I left my husband inside the children room and walk past the guest room.

I smile and slowly open the door, I smile and said .

" This is the room that create so many memories and slowly those memories felt like yesterday.

I felt my husband hand around my waist and and he kissed me on my nape.

“And those memories include how much you love food and will forget about your mission then and I am glad that I made that woman that was pleading Mrs Shade smith" he says.

" And I am happy, I became Mr Kunle Smith's wife at the end of my love for food and you brought out the bravery in me." I said and shut the door, I turn to him wrap my hands around his neck, he looked into my face, tilt his head sideways and slowly he began to kiss me.

I wanted more of the kisses but I had to stop him.

" Hey you have to go and check your mom" I said.

" I know I will go and do that but let me at least spend some time with our mom here" he says.

" which mom? I asked jokingly.

He picked me up from the ground , he cradled me in his hand and carried me a bridal style .

 " You have to meet your mom and he slowly bend his head and kiss me , he kissed me slowly and took me to the bed , I couldn't stop him because he needed him right now inside of me.

He slowly took me to the bathroom and undresses me.

The way he made love to me feels like first time.

I missed him so much , he didn't stop and I didn't stop him either until both of us became exhausted.

Two hours later , Junior's voice woke us up

through the baby monitor.

We both open our eyes, he gets up and wanted to go to our son, I stopped him from going into our son's room, I place my hand on his cheek.

" Honey, you have to go and check your mother, we have forgiven her but we would both have our limits" I said.

" Okay , I will go to her and when I return we would discuss our next plan and start our life afresh" he says.

  "Alright I reply" I said .

 he return to the bedroom to dress up while I walk to my son's room to answer him.

 I took my son out of his cradle and check his diaper, I remove his diaper and my husband came to me and he kissed me in the cheek and took his leave.



 I stood inside the room and I missed my wife, I miss her presence, she did her best to be that good wife, she respected me and treated me like a husband, I never treated her like a wife, I should have let her go to my parents when she wanted to take her leave.

I miss her, I really miss my wife, I am so sorry, I try to change but I just don't know why I find it hard to change.

Tears dripped down my face, I took our wedding picture and place her picture on my chest.


I pace around the bar area smiling to myself.

" Stupid girl, She thinks I will let her use me as they use Kunle and his whole family, I can see the way that old woman was on her knees begging if only she knew she is nothing but my ladder to get to the top she would know that she hasn't seen her husband" I shut my eyes and smile and my slowly comes to kiss me.

" So tell me why you are smiling? She asked.

I crouch down and kiss her big tummy.

" Nothing really, I was just thinking of Juliana who thinks she can play if only she knows I am the king player " I said.

" If only she knew she is the fool she would have run back to Kunle and her mom but opportunity comes but once" My wife said.

" Don't worry once I am elected, I will send her to where she belongs, so that you can become the First Lady"I said

" Even if you don't send her to where you belong? I will send her to where she belong myself because I have to become this First Lady" she says.


I l got out of the car and go into the ward, I called my  Dad and my dad told me

to wait at the reception.

My dad came out and wanted to embrace me instead I move back.

" Where is mom's ward? I asked with a straight face.

"Come with me" he says. I could feel

He wasn't happy at how angry I was towards him.

I understand he is my father and he is sorry but they have been sorry once and they were never sincere with me, they played me and my family, separated us, forced divorce on us by faking their kidnap.

Once bitten twice shy, I have forgiven them but my family needs to be protected.

I should have thought faster like my brother Simi who knew they needed to be far from

My parents.

I should have learn from Jumoke who decided to be far away from our parents but nowI do not want my political ambitions again because my family is worth more than this ambitions.

I followed him into her ward, she was in the bed in serious pain. 

She has pop on her neck and her knees two legs were hanged.

"How did it happen ? I asked.

" She was coming from your ex wife inauguration of her center that she met with an accident"she said.

" Point of correction, my wife, Shade is my wife" I said firmly do that he would know shade is my wife.

" I am sorry" He says.

"I think she should stop going to where she isn't invited" I said.

I walk to her on the bed, I told her sorry and get well soon although she wasn't awake she was sleeping but she opens her eyes and wince in pains

After a while of staying in the ward, all of us silent, I told my Dad, I want to go back home.

I walk out of the ward to leave, my dad rushes after me.

" Kunle! Kunle!! Please wait. I stopped and turn to him.

He stood and didn't even know how to start because he kept opening his mouth and shutting it and finally he spoke.

" I am sorry son, w....e....we are sorry, we know we cost you alo......." I cut in.

"I and my wife have forgiven you but we would give the distances  both of you want from us because that is what you both deserve" I said and I walk away before I got outside the press were there.

I was surprised to see the press.

" Sir , your wife inaugurated her project today which it's he first ever in Africa, sir is all this to support your political ambition? One of the press asks.I smiled and reply.

" No, my wife did what is in the interest of the people, as you can see we did not have our political handbills or campaign because I won't be participating in the coming election, my wife only did what she think the women, widow and children deserves" I said.

The question continues on and on and the press became more inquisitive about why I do not want to participate in the coming election, I didn't give them any answers, I walked to my car and return home.

When I got home, my met my wife serving my kids food, I felt happy seeing us be one family again.

She welcome me with a kiss and ask how my mom was doing and I told her what her situation was, she felt sorry for her.

We finish eating, the maids came to pick our plates.

We and our kids go into their nursery to read story to them.

Almost end of the story they began to slumber after a while they slept off and 

We lay them to their various rooms.

We walk holding hands to our bedroom.

We both  took our baths and have sex again.

After our sex we cuddled up to sleep, I woke up twice in the midnight to perform my fatherly duty while I let her sleep.


I woke up and did not see my husband by my side that , I walk out of the room and Walk to the living room, I could hear their voice , I walk out of the living room and walk to the play room where he and his kids are, I kiss him and greeted him, my kids also greeted me.

After some minutes I took the kids away , I bath them , I didn't let the maids help me bath them even though the maids wanted to do that for me.

After we all take our baths and dress up, we ate after our breakfast. I brought out my cellphone and went on my Instagram and I could see my husband's video and pictures trending , both of us trending.

My husband named the best husband every woman can ask for and I name a powerful woman.

I felt happy because of this, I had message in my DM by shows like " Wakeup Nigeria and Your view on TVC invitation, We also had invitation from different top shows in the country, I never thought it would get me so many interviews invitation from tv channels across the country.

My Children began to play together ,my husband held my hand and told me he has a plan.

" I want us to leave a different life and I want to give back to the society just like you " he says.

" I have decided to get hectares of land build our estates, I also want to own a bank that help men become house owners while they will pay back little by little because I realize this is one of the many problems family man faces in the country.

The rent itself is not helping them

So much and this can only be reduced when we offer them loans with lower interest and with ten years to pay up the money, what do you think" He asked.

" It's a really good idea I must say,helping people get roof over their head is something good and I know this is something people will really appreciate.

I like the smart money idea with the help included in the whole thing, like they get comfort and we get to make some few cash and not just that we can as well include furniture , electronics if they are interested we get everything calculated and the money get deducted from their salary or we would figure out another way to get our money out from he people we offer such opportunities and I believe people will really appreciate this" she says.

" Yes you are right" I said.


I quickly took my passport to the embassy, since it's a diplomatic passport, it will be out soon within three days.

I just need to go away and clear my head and I just hope my bodyguard disposed the body well so that the body won't be traced back to me because if it is traced back to me it will cause a serious scandal for my dad.

The following day.


My husband will be visiting my mother in law and I decided to go along with him.

I was dressing up when I received a news notification on my phone.

I turn on my phone and I saw my husband being interviewed at the hospital and he saying so many good things about me.

I feel proud of myself and my husband .

I look to my side where he was dressing up , I smile and walk to him and put my hand around his waist, he held my palm up and place it on his lips

" I love you and thank you for always defending me" I said.

" Defending you? He asked surprisingly and I remove my hand from his waist , I showed him the video on my phone smiling.

" I wasn't defending you, I was saying the truth about you" he says and pull me closer.

" You are the best woman I have ever set my eyes on, the best mom I and my kids can ever asks off" he says and kiss me.

" We have to go to the hospital " I said in between our kisses with his hand wrapped around my waist 

"I know baby" He reply and didn't stop kissing me.

" Then stop the kisses and let's go" he says.

" I don't feel like stopping the kisses, I want to eat you up right now" he says.


I kept checking the time all through the night because I couldn't sleep all night, whenever I shut my eyes I kept dreaming of my wife or should I say it my imagination that keeps playing out in my head, I don't even think I can keep living in the house because it feels like I am being hunted by my late wife.

The moment it was seven in the morning, I quickly brush my teeth and take my bath and quickly drive out of the house, I drove myself to the embassy.