

“ I am scared” she says.

“I am here , you  have to be scared, listen, I will put good measures into this” I said, I kissed her. 

“No contraceptives , we are having a baby” I said.

I carried her in a bridal style and I took her out of the room , she see’s the decorated dinning place  and she jumped down.

“ It’s beautiful” he says.

“You like it? I asked.

“yes I do” I said.

“ Thank you” she says , she puts her hands on my waist and she embraces me , she kissed me.

I led her to the table where we would have our breakfast.


“I woke up and the memories of last night came flashing into my head, I lift my fingers, I smiled staring at my Diamond ring.

I have always see this on the internet, people talk about it but I never thought I will one day be lucky to have a man like Simi or ever thought I will be lucky or that I will be one of those that will get an engagement ring , a diamond ring for that matter.

I know it’s going to be a very tough and rough journey fighting for this love but I will fight for this love.

I slowly kissed his lips and he turned me over , he trapped me in between his hand and I was under him laughing.

“Good morning “ he says and before I could reply he kissed me, he deepened the kiss and before we know it , we started another round.



After our breakfast , we went into the bathroom , we took our bath together , ofcourse we had another round of sex, seems , he really want me to take in at all cost the way he wouldn’t let me rest from this sex thing.

We relax a bit , then his phone rang and I could hear from his conversation with whoever he was having conversation with , that he is hear and he replied Ok.

He picked a blind fold from the draw.

“What is that for? I asked.

“Ssshhh” he replied placing his finger on his lips.

“Yes sir” I replied jokingly. He picked the blindfold and tie it to my face, he slowly held me up, we walked slowly through the stairs and I don’t know where we are anymore after the stairs since I was blindfolded.

I began to imagine what the surprise could be.

“Just stay that way” he says.

“Okay” I replied.

“Kunle what is it? I asked because I am getting impatient.

“Please be patient , my Ebony beauty” he says.

“I am trying but the impatient spirit is taking over me” I replied. He slowly untie the blindfold , I eagerly open my eyes  and what I saw wasn’t what I expected, tyear streamed down my face, a tears of joy.

It was a car decorated with a red ribbon, A white venza  instead of me to run into the car , I walk closer to him, I kissed him for God knows how long, it was after then I walk towards the car.

I touched the car, I never thought, I would own a car ever , even if I would I never though it would be so soon.He came behind me.

“Thank you for being my wife”he says.

“I like it, it’s beautiful” I screamed happily , I opened it go into the car even though I cannot drive , I place my hands on the steering , I moved my hand on the steering , I got out and I go to my husband.

“You will teach me how to drive” I said.

“No problem, my ebony beauty, I will teach you to drive” he says and we kiss.

“We will be going for our honey moon this night” Kunle says.

“Honey moon? Are we going on honey moon? I asks and he kisses me.

“Yeah baby, we are going to Italy for our honeymoon” he says.

“Are you serious? I asked excitedly.

“yeah” he says.

“Oh my God, Like I will be travelling out of the country for the very first time in my life , I can’t wait” I said happily then  I remember my family leaving in the village.

“hey babes , why do you have that face? He asks.

“I just feel it doesn’t feel right that I am happy and also going on an international trip and my family aren’t living in a good environment that I am living in a very big environment and a cosy environment and my mom and my siblings aren’t ? what kind of child am I? what kind of sister am I?I said.

“I am so sorry to bore you with my silly talk but I am just saying my mind” I said and he held my chin.

“You can never bore me my love? He says.

“And listening to every of your complain, everything you says and I know you have been worried about this for a while and I have made an arrangement for your ……your mom and siblings, I wanted to make this a surprise but I don’t like my wifey thinking” he says with hand around my waist from behind and I was so happy, I turn around and kiss him, I deepened it, I feel so happy and lucky to have this man as my husbamd.

I held his hand, I looked into his eyes.

“You know I am scared of fighting for this love or have babies in this marriage but I want to tell you that , I want to keep you here in my heart” I place his hand on my heart.

I want to love no one than you  and I want to have all my kids here in our house, I love you baby” I said and he kissed me and I embraced him tight, I wept and he kissed me.

I know he loves me and I also want to be with him and spend the rest of my life with him.



After our morning sex, I carried her to the Bathroom and we bath, I sat her down held her hand. After we dressed finish, she stare at me and was looking sad.

I raised her chin up with my hand .

“Hey babe? Is everything alright? He asked.

“I am scared? I am scared of your mom, I am scared she might come between us , I am scared that I am not your parents choice , I am scared of loosing my job because of this because of my responsibilities to my family, I have a brother who needs to go to school, I have a younger brother, who need to go to school, he stopped for me and I want him to go back to school, I like you , I like us, I like how we connect, I like how we vibe together, I like how we relate but your parents? My job? she says.

“How much does my mom pay you every month? I asked.

“Sixty five thousand naira” she replied.

“I will pay you eighty thousand naira” I replied. She stares at me surprisingly.

‘No you don’t have to spend unnecessarily, I can manage myself working with your mom” I replied.

“Manage? I know my mom would give you a straight sack letter that is why I offering you that salary pending the time we get married, I want you to be able to execute whatever plans you have in front of  you” he says.

“She might not? She replies in a low voice.

“I know my mom , she must be searching for a PA already, she has another choice of woman so she wouldn’t want you here in our house” I said.

“ it’s almost end of the month, I need to get this salary first” I said.

“I will pay you that salary because I can’t stand you being bullied by my mom” I said.

“Thanks for the salary” she say. She kissed me on my lips. “ I love you” she says.

“I love you too” she replied.



When I returned to my husband’s house in Lagos I felt very angry with myself after seeing how this girl was being pampered by Kunle, I just kept pushing back my tears throughout the wedding ceremony, I mean , I could I be this greedy that I will let my daughter loose a great opportunity like this, it could have been my daughter’s luck, I can’t watch her get respected than me .

She has always been lucky with everything, from education to work.

I can remember vividly when we were young, she would be praised for almost everything, she would always get the first position in her classroom while I will always be twelve or fifteenth position, everyone praises her , she is like the village most intelligent then, if anyone wants to write letter they would come to call her , she was the village celebrity then, she got a scholarship then and I was glad I stole the money she would have used to travel then, I am glad I burn some documents she needs to use to go to the school, I was glad to have burn it then and she couldn’t go , we remain at the same level, I wasn’t happy when she got a better job back then while I had no job but one thing I was better at then was that I am one of the hottest girl in the village then while she was just intelliegent.

I was glad I got married before her and when I realize someone rich was going to marry her then a whole politician , a popular politician then wanted to marry her , I made sure I had her set up, I made sure those guys that I set up to her add Indian hemp to her food and they rape her and the men I employed did a great job by inviting the man there and he called off the wedding and I was happy, I was so happy seeing her weeping and along the line Shade’s father came along and he needed a wife , I knew he was a very useless man from Lagos because he works the same place where my husband works in Lagos, he is a lazy man and a drunkard, my husband was mad at me for introducing them but I did my best to connect them and it worked, I was so happy that the relationship worked and I was glad it worked.

I was enjoying my marriage , she was suffering in her marriage, she would always complain about one thing or the order about her husband, I will show her some fake pity, help them with some money.

Whenever I help her with m,oney, I feel happy that she is begging from me which is something I always loved.

They couldn’t afford the city life , they return to the village, she became the breadwinner of the family, she became a laughing stalk in the village and family, her education no more counts she became someone traders will come and shout on that she is owing them money, then se got a job, I wasn’t happy, she was able to feed her family again until she loose her hand and they began to beg, I was so happy but I realized one thing, people are beginning to like Shade, she is becoming famous for being intellingence even though she was a dropout and I could see the potential in her, Racheal doesn’t have that potential, she cannot stand her, she cannot speak where she speaks.

I began to see the same confidence of Shade’s mom on Shade, I became jealous of her intelligence and confidence for my daughter, I used to wish I gave birth to Shade.

This is the main reason, I took her to work in Lagos in the name of helping them,I just wanted to ridicule her but I never knew she was going to be the person to get the luck that my daughter is suppose to have , if I had known , I wouldn’t have brought her to work in Lagos as housemaid because it’s not like I need this money, I have a good shop that is bringing enough money to me, I must rub shoulder with Shade’s mom, my daughter have to rub shoulders with my daughter, my daughter must get a rich boyfriend , a political fiancée 

Imagine everyone now respects her now.

I walked to my daughter’s room , she was crying , mumbling things to herself, I sigh deeply, she thinks she is the only affected person in all of this , she doesn’t know I am also affected in all of this.

I walk into Racheals bedroom.

“Hey honey, you have to stop thinking about Kunle, a better man will come” I said.

“What better man will come, mom please stop trying to pacify me , I want Kunle” she says.

“Kunle is married” I said.

“They might divorce, I might help them get divorce? You know how much I have always wanted Kunle as my boyfriend, I already told all my friends that I and Kunle are dating that we are getting married soon, they have been sending me mocking message since Kunle and Shade’s wedding pictures and Videos surfaces online” she says.

I do not dispute this what my daughter said she told her friend, she has always fake it out there , she has never dated a big boy, like no big boy have ever come looking for my daughter and it use to break my heart , I know she loves Kunle so much but Kunle is never into her, I don’t want my daughter struggling to have what Shade already have , I want my daughter to find her way to get another better guy.

I held her hand and ruffle her hair.

“What about Felix,I mean he is rich? I said.

“Felix? No, he is not as hot as Kunle, he’s ugly” Racheal says.

“Ugly? Is that what you care about? What about the money?Think of the good things he will buy you, he might even buy you a bugatti” I said.

“I don’t like Felix” she says.

“You have to like him, don’t you want to rub shoulders with your aunt’s daughter , do you want her to start feeling on top of the world, you need to be at that wedding and see how they are being respected” I said.

“Mom, I don’t like Felix and I am not interested in him” she says.

“Listen dear, don’t you want to leave in a mansion? Or maybe I should tell your sister about it, I know she would be interested” I said and wanted to take my leave.

“It’s fine, do you know how you can get us to like each other like can you get us connected? She asks me.

"Don't you trust me your mom? you should have known me your mother that I always have a ready made plan" I replied and I could see my daughter sit properly.