

I was amazed at that question and I stare at him and because I was so mad at him for making jest of my dressing.

“ I am sorry” he said.

“Are you one of the new maid” he asked. 

Anyways what am I, a classy maid because that is what a P:A job is too me but at least , a classy messenger that is it so am I even differ from a maid moreover it’s a domestic PA job, I thought to myself. 

Because of the education and office but in my case I know there is no office.

“The new PA” I answered with a straight face.

“Oh, I see” he says . Come in. “ he says and he lead me into the house. I followed him into his the mansion, I was lost in how amazing the house was, the inside was so beautiful everything looks beautiful , it looks like a palace.

I kept admiring everything and smiling to myself, I even forgot that I was here for a job and I heard a female voice behind me.

“Who are you? She asks walking glamorously towards me with a glass of wine in her hand.

“Good morning ma” I greeted standing straight with my heart beating fast, standing before her alone scares the hell at of me. She looks at me from head to toe.

“I asked who are you? She says and sits.

“I…….I……I …” she cuts in.

“You…….she says raising her eye brows.

“I am the …..PA, I was sent here by the agency” I said and walk closer to her “This is the note I was given to give to you” I said and she looked at me from head to toe and she uses the tip of her finger to collect it from me as if I was some disgusting thing.

I cursed her inside of me because before entering into this house , I was pissed off by her Simi and entering into the house I was pissed off.

I look to my side and I saw Simi sitted with his leg crossed and an Ipad in his hand and our eyes met with each other and he quickly look down at his Ipad.

I looked down at myself and around me maybe something was wrong with me, inferiority complex wouldn’t let me see the beauty I had because the suffering has gotten to me and I no more think differently again, I see myself as someone not competent to compete with other girls whenever I see rich and influential people like the smiths.

“I can see you are highly recommended by the agency but your dressing is a No for me” she says.

“Your dressing is a no for me, you can’t work with me in this your rags” she says.

I quickly got down on my knees, Ma please I need this job so bad, I have siblings, my mom to help.. I…..” she cuts in.

“ Save your family history to yourself , I am not interested in your family history dear, I just can’t deal, I need call that company and ask them the reason they will send someone who is dressed in rag to my house” she says.

God this woman must be heartless, I thought.

“ Mom, please she is not that bad, her dressing isn’t so bad why don’t you just give her a second chance please mom” Simi says.

I look back to see who spoke, it was the same man that laughed at how I am dressed.

“ Can’t you see she looks dirty? She asks.

“ I have employed some like this and at the end find out that it was due to anxiety that they dress this way, give her a second chance” he says.

“ Okay girl, today is your lucky day and I will give you a second chance like my son said but if you dress down here tomorrow dressed this way I will never employ you again” she said.

I quickly move forward and thank her.

“ Move back” she says to me , she said it disgustly, I look back at the man who pleaded for me and I said

“ Thank you” and he winks at me.

“ What?! I said inside of me, this man must be a pervert, he just wink at me like he has a reason for pleading for me and I though inside of me.

“ If he thinks I am that kind of girl, he is making a huge mistake” I said inside of me.

“ Simi why are you still home at this time? His mom asks.

“ actually I have a particular client we would meet in thirty minutes time and I do not want to go and sit in a restaurant for a long time” he says and he stood up , I should be on my way. He picks up his blazer and walks out of the house.

His mom looks up at me and she stares at me and I look down.

“ What are you still doing in my house? She asks and I quickly stood up and dashed out without looking back.

When I walked out a little, I stopped and look back.

I shut my eyes and said to myself.

“ Thank God , I got a second chance, Oh God , how do I get new clothes, this is the best of my clothes and my shoes , all my clothes are worse than this” I thought.

I started thinking of who to go to and borrow money.

“ Maybe I will go to all this my friend to beg for some money? I thought.

God please I need your help at this point in my life” I said with tears rolling down my face. I quickly dry my face.

I didn’t even know when I got to the first and second gate of the house.

I walk out of the gate drying my tears , I stood outside the gate and I use my hand to dry my face.

“I can’t loose the job, I need this job so badly” I thought to myself.

I didn’t even realized that I was standing beside a car and I heard the same familiar voice that pleaded on my behalf earlier.

“Excuse me pretty” he says and I look beside me and I realized I was standing beside a car and I stare at him and that was when I realized how sexy this man eyes looks like.

“Come in snd let my driver drop you wherever you are going” he says.

I was happy and wanted to hop in because I didn’t even know how I will get home but I gave it a second thought that I would look to cheap, If I hop into the car just like that.

“Thank you sir, never mind, my place is not far” he says.

“Even this place to the estate Gate is far , please come in and let my driver drop you where you are going” he says softly.

I didn’t let him say it the second time because I am not ready to lose the opportunity of someone taking close to home even if it is just half of the way to my home , it will still be easy to find my way home.

I go to open the front sit.

“Back seat, I am not going to bite” he says.

“ Front seat is fine sir” I said.

“ No, back seat is fine” he says smiling,since he insisted , I join him at the back seat of the car. I shut the car door and move really far a bit from him.

He continue what he was doing on his Ipad , I looked out and I decided to steal a look at the man beside me because many things are currently running through my head.

“I was thinking maybe he is one of the men that take advantages of women but he wasn’t looking at me , he was too concentrated on what he was doing.

I steal another glance at his skin, God , his skin looks tender, I look at his wristwatch.

“ That is a lot of money” I said inside of me, then his phone rang, I quickly check the maker of the phone and it was iPhone 13 pro max, I look down at his shoes and I look at how he was speaking on phone God , he is so handsome, I wish someone like this man would marry me and change my life and that of my family.

Soon the car stopped and he open the car door and I wanted to get down of the car and he look at me and smile at me.

“Sit , my driver will take you home miss Emotional “ he says and I quickly look down.

“Please don’t cry again, I just want to make it up to you after making you cry today” he says.

“ Thank you” I said. He look at me.

“I mean thank you for helping me beg for a second chance and for the ride.

“You are welcome Miss Emotional” he says.

“Peju is the name and not Emotional” I replied.

“Wow, beautiful name and I will note that” he said.

“Simisola is my name” he says. “ have a nice day” he said and get down of the car and he was typing something on his phone and his driver check his phone and nods his head.

I didn’t realize the Ac in the car until he got down, I was free a bit after he got down , I look around the car, I didn’t even realize I was in one of the classy car.

The driver took another route and I told him to stop that the other turning was the route to my house and he says.

“My boss says I should take you to TEMPLE MUSE” he replied.

“Excuse me? I asked.

“Yes ma, temple muse” he replied.

I was surprised because if I am not mistaken this is the boutique my friends who has billionaires as their sugar daddies shop although I haven’t been there but I have heard those girls discussing it, if you shop in that boutique , you are one of the hot big girls in school and they will stop being your friend  instead they will join the league of the girls that drive cars.

I was short of words because I never thought Simi could be this nice. Who can say the same man who taunt me is the same man that will be my savior for tomorrow.

First he pleaded with his mom for me, he save me from trekking from one place to the other and now he is saving me from not getting a job with his mom tomorrow, I felt so happy at first then something crossed my mind that he might have a motive behind this, he might be doing this in exchange of something, Sex” I thought and I became scared of his offer but at the same time I needed this dress and job and I said to myself.

“let me face the most important thing which is how to get a better dress to work tomorrow,my brother has to go back to school.

After some minutes drive the car parked in front of the boutique, I was look out from the car , it was beautiful and the driver comes to open the car door for me , I got out lost looking at the boutique, I feel delighted that I will some day shop in a kind of boutique like this.

I got out amazed at what I see, I smiled happily, I walk into the boutique looking around and some workers walked  up to me and I didn’t answer , I was only lost in what I saw.

I walk to up to a dress and I touch it and the driver face one the attendant and said.

“It’s Mr Simisola that said I should bring here to shop” The driver said.

“He already called us” the dress store came out to attend to me herself. 

She took me around and show me some dresses and I noticed each time I admired a dress or shoes, bags or jewelries and even wigs they will pick it and put it somewhere I never knew they were picking those things for me, I only pick three suit pants and it jackets and some inner and a pair of shoe and I gave it to them and the shop owner asked me if I am satisfied with what I picked, I answered yes but when my bag was packed about six bags were packed and the driver pack the bags.

“Did I pick something as much as that? I asked in surprise.

“No but the other from Mr Simisola is that anything you pick or touch should be packed for you” The owner said.

“What?! No please , The three dresses and the pair of shoes are okay, I can’t accept this” I said.

“We are sorry , we can’t accept it back , we followed Mr Simi’s order” he said.

I know they also played sales trick because they knew they could put back the clothes , the shoes and everything they picked for me but they just didn’t want to put them back, I felt bad that I made Simi spend a lot today.

They driver took the tings to the car and I go to sit in the car. A part of me feel happy that I have enough dresses now but a part of me felt bad that he would think of me in another way that maybe I am an opportunist that if someone like me is giving opportunity, I will misuse it.

I wasn’t happy till I lead the car to my home.

Our neighbours came out to see the kind of car that brought me home and it was then I look back at the car and it was the newest Benz that brought me home.

I smiled happily because there is this particular woman that her boyfriend comes to drop with Lexus and she see’s all the girls in the house like they are not her daughter’s class even her daughter always see’s herself that way but I felt so happy that  she the car has just come to drop her when I was dropped in the latest Benz and the driver even helped me with the shopping bags.

She and her mom was shocked, they watch me enter into our house.

When I entered into the house my mom was sitting tiredly on the chair but when she saw me with the shopping bag she quickly sits up and she asks me.

“Where did you get all of this from? She was curious about the bag in my hand with a straight face.

I understand and know what was going through my mom’s mind that maybe I have joined other girls and I have become a prostitute.

Did you hear my question? she asked again.