


I stare into my cellphone in our bedroom when my son Kunle said he and his siblings and their family will be here with us during weekend to spend time with us I  felt glad that my plans are working which literally means they believed us, I like that.

I danced to my husband .

" That is weldone  job from you baby" he says pulling me into his arms and kissing me.

" Sometimes we need to practice politics in our home baby" I said in between our kisses

" We must get this power into this family" my husband says as he breaks away from me and brings out a wine and two glass from the wine in the bar in our room.

" Let's celebrate this moment first because I know we already have this" she says.

"Yeah" I replied and walk to him, I stood beside him and he kissed me again.


Saturday came my wife dresses up Daniella, she dressed up too while I was dressing up she told me to help her with her zip.

I stare at my wife's curves and smile, I walk slowly behind her as she stood in front of the mirror.

" why are you smiling? She asked.

" You always get me wanting more " I said smiling and I kissed her back as I help her pull up her zipper.

" Uhmmm, don't even think you will have me one more time this morning" she says laughing.

" No baby, I feel like eating right now but I will keep that till when we come back because you are definitely not sleeping till the next day" he says.

I said and we laughed it off.

We got dress up and step out.


I pick Peju and my son up from Peju's parents home as we always spend the weekend together but this time it's at my parents place that we will be spending reunion.

I took her for shopping on Friday when I pick her up because I want her to look the best and on Saturday we dress up , staring at Peju alone for me hard, I slowly walked up to her and began to caress her and kiss her then Kelvin cried we had no choice than to stop.

After she sing lullaby for him to sleep.

Few hours later we went to my parents place.

My sister Jumoke  and her new fiancée was there already while Kunle and wife and daughter came after us.

We were welcome by our parents and we all could see the changes in them, our parents welcome our wives, she apologized to our wives and also have a discussion on our coming wedding. 

It was such a wonderful day with our parents.

I feel happy that my family is back to being one again"I thought.


My phone rings and I pick up the call and all I could hear is my mom and my Dad screaming.

I became terrified.

I began to plead on their behalf, then my phone rang again.

“I can give you whatever you want just let them go? I pleaded with the caller who spoke in a very hard voice.

“Who I am is not what is important right now, Kunle , you think , you can escape from us , you , your mom and your Dad, think we would spend our money and let you just walk away, it’s impossible.

“ What do you want from me ? I asked.

“ If you love your parents , your entire family, divorce your wife and also make a video of yourself , announce online that you are running for Governorship in the next three years” the anonymous says and hangs the call.

“ Hello, Hello!!

I angrily kick my office desk, I I walked to the window for fresh hair, I still feel hot inside of me , I pace around in my office.

“ How can the condition be me divorcing my wife , I could my wife be the one to pay for I and my parent sins, tears dripped down my face , I go to sit in the lounge inside my office , I couldn’t, I am so confused as anything, I am sweating under the AC, I need this person to call back.

“My phone rang, you have just Twelve hours to divorce your wife and announce your intention to run as the governorship candidate for our party in the next three years, once it is one minute after the twelve hours you are being given your parents and siblings will be gone and don’t even think of involving the police and another thing, your house is under our surveillance already” Anonymous says and hangs the call.

He didn’t even let me ask a question, I wanted to tell me I could give him money.

I angrily threw my phone into the chair, I felt so angry, tears dripped down my face uncontrollably.

I heard my wife’s voice as she come into my office with Daniella.

“ Daddy Daniella misses you” she says and I quickly dry my tears but she noticed.

“ Honey” she called , she tilt her head and look into my face.

“ Honey , you’re crying? She says.

She quickly call the nanny and gives the baby to her as she comes into the office. She shuts the office.

“Hey” she said and held my hand.

“ Baby I am fine” I tried giving a fake smile.

“ You are not? She says.

“You are , have you start hiding things for me? She asks.

“Ofcourse no, I am not hiding things from you, I am just scratching my eyes” I said.

“Stop lying to me , I can see your eyes and the swollen faces, I want to know the truth , just tell me the truth , What’s going on? Whatever it is tell me we can share it together and solve it” she says.

“ I held her hand and look into her eyes and I just couldn’t control my tears , my tears came dripping down my face.

“baby what is it? She was about to tear up.

“ Hey , you do not have to cry” I said and my phone rings, I look at it, I didn’t want to pick the call.

“My heartbeat your phone is ringing? She says.

“I don’t want to pick the call because I am confused right now” I said.

She quickly pick my phone and I wanted to drag it out of her hand but she didn’t give it to me , she place the phone to her ear.



I brought Daniella to come and spend sometime with him and I saw him crying ,I know the man I married , I know when he is worried , I could see his eyeballs red, I had to take Daniella to the nanny , I tried asking him, he didn’t want to say it, he looked into my eyes when I spoke  and tears dripped down  his face.

“My heart beat what is it? His phone rang, I picked his phone , he tried to collect it but I did my best not to let him collect it from me.

I place the phone on my ear and I could hear a hard voice speaking.

“ You signed the divorce yet? And I am yet to see you announce online that you are running as a governorship candidate in the next three years, if you would like to receive the head of  your mom ,Dad and Siblings , you can try and not do want we want in twelve hours and see the result” The anonymous says.

I look into my husband’s eyes ,tears dripped down my face , I couldn’t say a word , I dropped the phone and go down on my knees and weep.

I thought  everything has been solved, I thought the party wouldn’t come for us to divorce again but now they have involved the family when the family had come together as one.

He crouch down beside me , he embraces me , we both wept so hard.

“ I don’t want this for  us , I want you and I till eternity.” He says.

“ I will be blamed , you will be blamed , if you do not save your mom, Dad and siblings” I said in between my sob.

“let’s just wait and see if they could change their mind” he says.

“ No , you have to save your parent, if you do not do want they say I am not save too, call the lawyer and tell him to prepare a divorce paper” he says.

“we cannot divorce for now , we can only be separated” he says.

His phone rings again, he stares at the phone.

“ Pick it before they do something stupid with your parent and siblings” I said.

He picked the phone and place it on speaker.

“You will receive a divorce paper right now and make sure she signs and you sign the papers and make a video to declare as the next Governorship candidate Election for our party in the next three years and your mom and Dad and your siblings will be free” The anonymos says .

My husband wanted to speak but he didn’t let him speak.


When we were about beginning the plan, we went to the Party chairman’s house.

“ No one was torturing me but I had to make it real, I turn to one of the party Chairman body guard that spoke with my son on the phone.

“ I think we should make it real, let’s make a video of I and my husband being tied inside a room or something, place a camera like you were going to shoot me so that he would have no choice , tell some of your men to do the same thing with Simi so that he would have no choice than sign it” I said.

“ You are such a brilliant future mother in law” Juliana says.

“ Thank you, darling” I said.

“You are welcome ma” she says happily.

I and my husband were taken to one room and the bodyguards had mask on their face , while we were asked to go down on our knees and guns pointed to our head, on a live camera and the video were send to my sons watsapp.

After the whole thing we stood up and return to sit with the chairman to wait for the signed divorce papers.



I was on my way back from work after dropping Peju at home  and going back home when my car was attacked, I was kidnapped, I wasn’t hurt, they try to feed me with some food but I couldn’t eat the food. I was so worried that Peju must have been expecting my call because I usually call her whenever I get home that I am home.

The following day, I pleaded with them that I will give them what they want and they said I should pray that my brother complies with them  and I knew at that moment that they have no issue with me that they have issue with Kunle.



When I was kidnapped outside the estate where I live , all I knew was that I was forced to get down from my car and taken away, I was taken to a place where I don’t know because I was blindfolded till I was thrown into a dark room.

I pleaded with them no one answered me until the following day I was told that I should pray my brother complies with them.

At that moment I began to think to who my brother could have hurt that is trying to get back to hm.




I got a message on my phone one of my men knock on my office door.

I go to open the door and he gave me some documents.

I open my phone and see gun pointed at my mom , Dad, Sister and brother, they were separate videos.

I began to shake , the paper falls down from my hand.

Shade comes to me and the file that fell from me were opened and she crouch down to her knees with tears streaming down her face, I look down and it was a divorce paper, tears dripped down my face , I couldn’t even pick up the file.

I face the wall thinking , I felt her hand on my back.

“ Let’s sign the divorce paper and save those four lives” I said.



My phone rings and it was Peju.

I picked the call.

“Hello” I said.

“ Hello Shade, I have been trying to call Simi but his life is switched off , Hve you heard from him today? She asked.

I didn’t know what to say , tears dripped down my face, I shut my eyes.

“ No, but I will help you try his line” I had to say that to her because I cannot tell her what is currently happening. I hang the call and walk to my husband , I stood in front of him holding the divorce paper, tears dripped down my face , I burst in to tears , he took the biro and Documents from me , he dropped it on his desk.

“ I can’t do this ?he said.

“ We have to save lives” I said.

I took the documents  and picked a pen , I signed with tears , when I got to the last part of the document, there was a condition that we must never meet again, that our path should never cross or my child will be taken away from me. Tears became uncontrollable, I signed it, saving fours lives is much important than saving our marriage.

I held his hand place pen into his hand.

“Please signed this , those lives are so important” I said.

He signed the document and when it got to the last part of the where we there was a clause that we should never meet, he dropped the pen.

“ I can’t sign this “ she says.

“We have life to save baby” I said crying.

“ This is just too much” he held my face in his hand.

“ We have no choice right now” I said, I kissed him but I just couldn’t further the kiss.

He signed it.

“ The video” I said.


I lazily walk to the bathroom in my office wash my face  but the tears didn’t stop, I try hard but it didn’t stop, I had to stay an hour before I could wash my face.

I made the video and announce my intention to run against the new candidate of the incumbent governor in three years time.



I was scared , he won’t do as expected when after an hour twenty minutes , I didn’t see a video , I wanted to ask the guys who disguised as anonymous to call him but just then the video surfaces online.

We all jubilate because finally , I made him divorce that girl and he would run as a governorship candidate for the party again with no choice.



I quickly go into our Matrimonial room , I looked around, pick up our wedding picture frame on the table in her room, I stare at it and cry out loud, soon my husband comes in and his phone rings.