

I sob and answer in between.

“I am….. ye….t to see him…, his mother didn’t allow………… me in, I don’t know ……what to think mom, I am just scared” I said.

“is that why you are crying? He would be fine , I know this boy loves you so much and he can’t even just  go away from you , no maybe work or something else is just keeping him away from you for now or maybe he is in a place where he cannot speak to you” my mom says.

“I don’t just know what to think mom, from the way his mom reacted , I think his mom is trying to keep him away from me or maybe he is staying away from me ,  I  just don’t know wat to think “ I said.

“honey , be positive about both of you , I do not want you to be negative about his love for you although , I am scared of his mother for you but I can feel his love for you always , I just wish both of you would fight for this love as you both always say, I want you to dry your tears he will give you a call, just take everything easy” My mom says.

“ I don’t know if I can for now , If he doesn’t call me and explain to me” I said.

“You will my dear  because you have to go to the market and get us some soup ingredients , You have to cook” she says and goes to change into a casual wear.

I have been thinking of what could happen, I don’t even know , I have been flashing back to the last time we spoke on phone, he says he would pick me up and the scenario between the I and Simi’s mom,  not allowing me to enter into the house, what could be going on? If something had happened to him, his mom should be in a terrible state, she wouldn’t be herself, she wouldn’t not have the strength to even speak? Maybe she is trying to be strong? I said to myself  because I just can’t figure out what could be the problem. “Is he avoiding me? Because I do not think if something had happened to him his mom would even have my time, what could be happening? I am so scared.



I wanted to call Felix but I do not have his cellphone line and I just took my mind off him, not long , there was a knock on my door.

“Come in “ I answer from the inside, my sister open the door and enter, she was holding a back in her hand, a gift bag.

“ What is this ? I asked.

“I don’t know “ my sister says stretching the back to me.

“ Why don’t you just collect the gift back and check who sent it” my sister said.

“Ok” she says. I collected it and she comes to stand beside me to see what was in the gift back.

I open it and it was a dress and a perfume with a note. An expensive dress and a very expensive perfume and there was a note inside the gift bag, I picked it out and read it.

“ I want you to wear this and also wear the perfume , I like my babe looking expensive, 6pm this evening.

I was so happy, my sister held my hand and shakes me excitedly grining, looking into my eyes, I looked at her and smile.

“ What? I asked her and drop the gift bag in the bed.

“What do you mean what? She says smiling. 

“I am over excited for you , Felix is one name that rings in the ear, he is one of the most eligible bachelor being talked about, he lavishes money on girls, I have lots of girls dreaming of just having one night stand with him, you are lucky “ my sister said.

I gave a faint smile because I know I am not lucky , I thought by to the beating I received from him last night and I thought of the luxury I got today, I want the luxuries , I want people to see me as a big girl, I want people to show off.

“ Hey what are you thinking? Missing him already? My sister is in love “ my sister says excitedly, I smile and my mom called her and she quickly run to her out of my room .

My sister doesn’t know Felix is nothing but an animal.



I walked into the ward where my son is , I smile happily because I am happy that at the end of the day everything worked in my Favour with Simi.

He was sitting with Jessica sitting beside him, both of them are having a chat.

My son woke up from Comatose a week ago and he didn’t remember his past, he is only doing things we tell him, I have been able to successfully tell him that Jessica is the woman he loved , I told him, I never wanted Jessica at all at first because she was blind but he stood his ground that he wants to marry her at all cost, I told him when we realized how much he was ready to fight for this love we had to let them be , I told him his love won and that we have accepted Jessica because all we care about is his happiness, he believed all the lies although Jessica doesn’t like the idea of we lying about their relationship, she argued it but his mom had to convince her before accepting to join our lying game, in just one week they seems to be getting along very well.

I can’t even imagine that so call girl Jessica could be feeling important  not wanting  to join our lying game , who wants to marry a blind girl because of what value is she to me if not that her mom had invested in the company with her shares and place a condition on it, does she think I would have let my son get married to her? And that stupid girl name Peju keeps coming to the estate gate, I am already in control of my son, he cannot go back to her because he doesn’t even remember her which is also good for me .


I am trying to get along with Simi , he is a good man even though he has to learn so many things again but I hate the fact that we lied to him, I feel guilty doing this to him, I just wish I could tell him everything said about us is a lie but I already make a promise to my mom not to say the truth to him but I feel like saying the truth.

At first I never accepted to join the lying game I can remember vivdly that my mom  said that she is doing this for me because no one will want to marry me because I am blind, I had no choice than to join them in lying.

I wish I could feel what real love is but who will marry a blind girl like my mom will say, I am the only daughter my mom wants to see her grandchildren.

Simi believes we are in love  but I do not love him , I am just doing this for the sake of what my mom wants.



It’s been three weeks now, I have gone to the company ,I wasn’t allow in, I always go to sit at the estate gate but I will be send away, I do not know what is going on, I wish I had Shade or Kunle’s number, I wish I know what is going on, his baby is growing in me , I don’t even know how to tell my parents because mom has warned me to play safe since I complained about Simi’s mom not liking me , she even sit me down to remind me of our condition then and that they are raising money to send my brother back to school.

We were so in love till that very day that he didn’t pick hi call again.



I quickly take a shower, dress up , spray the perfume on my body, because for three weeks now he has been treating me  to so many luxury, even though , he beats me to have sex with me in the end.

He takes me shopping, he even promise me that we would be travelling to Paris, he gives me all the luxury but he is too abusive, he beats me anywhere, hits me like I am not human.

“You look too sexy my darling” my mom says.

“Thank you mom” I replied.

“Felix must have buy this in a very expensive price ? my mom asks.

“Yes, it’s should be around fifteen thousand naira or even Twenty five thousand naira” I replied.

“ Can you see what you were about letting go,  have you ever thought of wearing such expensive dress ? if you can wear this in just for a evening outing how much more gift and money will you get in the future” she says.

“I know he would spoil me with so many gifts and even money but mom but I am yet to recover from yesterdays beating, my body is still hurting from yesterday’s beating , I couldn’t take my bath properly” I said.

“ Don’t you know most of the women you see out there married to those rich people are going through this, even Shade too might be going through all of this but who is she to tell anyone she is going through all of this kind of thing as long as she is enjoying the luxury, look at the life of  her family , they now live in the city, life has changed for them, you can do this for this family too, you do it for yourself, once you get the luxury all you need is just for you to take care of yourself” she says.

“I know, I am just scared of ………my sister came in and she told me the driver is here.

I quickly pick my purse and rushed down the stairs because I do not want him to go mad at me again.

I run down the stairs, walk out to the Lexus that came to pick me, people who sees me always envy me but they do not know what I endure to live in the world of Felix .

The car took me to the hotel, when we got to the hotel, I took the elevator to the hotel room,  he held me roughly and began to kiss me so rough and he ruffled me so rough, threw me to the floor , I was trying to stop him so that I would lay properly, he began to hit me as usual, this is another problem he has, he hates correction from me , he doesn’t think I have great idea, he doesn’t think I should point out anything to him, I just have to stay where he put me.

He beat me so hard and had sex with me that I couldn’t stand up , he didn’t help me up, I actually plan to make the video of us and throw it into the internet but fear of him getting me has not let me to do it.

He left me and as I was about to stand up he came in with another girl and guy, I was still struggling with my body and he slowly lifts me up on.

“baby , this is our sex for tonight sex, we would have ourselves all through the night, I was surprised at the whole thing.

“I am …..tired, my body hurts” I said.

“Are you out of your senses?I feed you , cloth you, do almost everything for you and even give your family money, and you dare to question what I want?! He hit me , tears dripped down my face ,he threw me into the bed and order the  lady to come to me , I have never thought of having a sexual intercourse with a woman, the girl began to caress me , I felt so irritated but I can’t even talk because I am scared to be beating by him again.

I had to do what he wanted and before I knew it he was making out with the other guy and I was beginning to understand better that he is a bisexual, when he finished with the guy he told us to exchange partners and next he said four of us together, we finally finish having the sex , he paid those people I was so tired , this was the only day he took me to the bathroom to go and take my bath for me , he was nice to me and he told me that we would be having this time of sex once in a while .

I asks him if he was bisexual and he said yes and I asked him if plans to settle down soon and he told me if I am ready to accept him the way he was that he would marry me.

When I heard this I was very happy like I do not need the video thing again since he promised to marry me, I said happily.

I have dated many girls and I haven’t been lucky to date a girl like you that is so calm that let me have my way the way I want to, if you marry me, I will give you what you want, I am ready to give you so many things that you want but one thing I want is to do whatever I want” he says.

I know living with Felix will be difficult, I want the luxury but I am scared of the beatings , he is wild in sex, he is a sadist, he is an abuser but he has the luxury to offer.

I know what to do when I have achieved what I want , I will file for divorce , I will use all his sexual abuse video against him, I know he would have no choice than to let me go.

I will make him pay huge amount of money into my account and also make him buy me a house , I will endure till I achieve all those things then I will set myself free, I can’t do a forever with him” I thought.

“Marry me , I like you and want to spend the rest of my life with you, I like the way we are really getting along” he says.

“What if I say no” I asked and the next thing he stood up and choke me with his hand, you will say yes, I like this relationship and It will be just as I want it” she says.

“I quickly said “Yes I will” and he places his lips on me and kissed me roughly and he slowly remove his hand on my neck.