

I walked out in anger and entered into my car and my driver drove out of the compound.

I was very hurt that after being dedicated members of this party when it started in the past twenty years , I ended up getting nothing.

My son is now shadow of himself, if only Chairman knows that I do not let go of things so easily, he wouldn't do this to me.

If he knew that l am capable of so much , he wouldn't try all this rubbish with me.

I was so angry and pissed off , I try to stop crying but I couldn't stop crying.

I was hoping that in the next two years that my son will become the governor of the state, I gave my all in all into this and now that my son as gotten their party popular , they sidelined my son, I did everything to satisfy the party thinking my son will be in power that he will begin his campaign but what did he do , he went and pick a boy that didn't know when we are building the party, he picked him as the the new party aspirant.

If only Juliana knew she is playing with fire, I will try and speak with him again and if he is blended on ruining my dreams of my family being in power I will also make sure their ambition gets ruin and they never get to hold that power.


After the whole introduction and scenario of the party former aspirant mom yelling and getting angry , I drove back home, when I got home and my wife who is carrying our child came to embrace me.

Juliana doesn't know I have a wife , The thing is came exactly when I needed her because I have been trying get into an automatic political

Party already has it's stand and followers.

At first I never wanted to speak with her because my PA already showed me the message but I didn't think I needed her because I was married but after one month I decided to go through her profile and I find out that she is the daughter of the most populous party that didn't win in that last election and they are like it to win again.

My thought was if I spend money very well for  the party I could be considered as their party candidate representing as a member of the house of Assembly but that I will still get all the money I have spent back that ones I am already in the house of Assemblies because I know I am that smart guy that knows how to get more than the penny I have spent so far.

When I started talking and I find out that she wanted an affair with me I knew it, I wanted to just have an affair with her so that I can meet with her father to help me get through my political Ambition, few weeks into our relationship I realized she wanted more and was telling me she could help me become a governor under her father's party.

I was happy and I went home to have a plan with my wife that she should not always stay around whenever I and Juliana would come home.

She agreed, she knows I cheat but I still try not bring them home and now that it is involving bringing Juliana home, I have to tell her.

I told her and she agreed to what I wanted.

When I brought Juliana home , she felt convinced that I am single, I rushes the whole wedding plan thing and now I have been choosing as their new aspirant I feel so happy.

Once I and Juliana get married, I will let her meet my wife because mage means a lot to me.

I embrace my wife so tight and I could feel how happy she was.

" I am so happy that at last you will become the governor of this state" My wife says.

" And you the First Lady"

He says

" I do not know my fate on that" she says.

" You are going to be my First Lady " I replied.

She served my food and we eat.


I was feeling lonely and I decide to go and visit my parents but too my surprise what I heard hurt me.

I drove in and was going to enter when I heard my mom speaking with my dad.

" Can you imagine that Chairman is such and ingrate? She says in an angry tone and I pause.

" He is such a stupid man, he gave us his word, he made us go against our son in so many ways and just look at it" My dad says

" If it's about Shade I never liked that girl, she has no benefits for this family so I can never accept her" she says.

" What do you mean she has no benefits for the family, she was the reason that political party grew popular"my dad says.

" My son was already loved by the people before she came into his life, my son already grew followers for the party in fact she almost ruin my son's life by causing scandal for the party, don't you know people like that could kill and that is reason I will never accept her " My mom says.

"But she didn't kill our son?My father says.

" Maybe she was planning to? She says.

" Look I do not want to discuss that girl because she has no value to add to this whole situation " she says.

" Maybe you should have let them be, maybe if you had let our son and his wife be , they would have found a better party, if I can remember we were never peoples choice, our son was people's choice and his wife came into his life and people loved him more, maybe if we had thought of it so well we should have created our own political party, we have this money, Kunle and his wife has the followers that can boost this party, but we were just too blinded with our quest for power instead we were busy helping the party of that nuisance chairman that knows only about only his benefits, look at it with how much we frustrate our  children, fake kidnaps, lie to our children that Shade is dead just to make it real, we still lost everything " My mom says.

" Our son has his fault" my mom says.

" Listen, let's look for Shade and try and make up some story and start our own party, I believe we will win" my dad says.

" Where do you think we can find her because you are making lot of sense, we should have thought of this since but hope it won't affect our company?" my mom says.

" What matter is looking for Shade and daughter to build our political party, trust me once our son becomes the governor we would make triple of that money from the government money" My dad saya

Tears were already dripping down my face , I thought my mom meant she had changed when we all had a reunion, I divorce my wife just for nothing, they were the ones behind everything that has happened so far, I thought Parents are suppose to be their children friends but my parents are my enemies.

I can't believe my parents were the one behind every single thing I am going through right now.

They only care about their benefits.

They said my wife is dead but she was never dead they were the reason she never came to see me, they were the reason she left.

I need to find Shade, I will employ a private investigator to help me find her, I need to see my wife and daughter again.

I sob out and my parents looked back they look into each other's eyes and my mom began stammering as she called my name.

" Ku…u…Kunle" she calls out standing.

I could read the look on her face, she was unsure if I heard them.

" Ku….unle, why are you standing there? My Dad asks.

" Is it about the new aspirant? She asked looking back at my dad, that is what we are talking about like we have a solution, come sit son" she says coming closer.

I stare at her with no words, I shake my head and just walk away, I walked towards my car.

" Kunle! Kunle!! She calls out running after me and I made a hand description for her to stop.

" Don't come close, It's fine, I am very glad to have found out the truth today that you were the one who faked your kidnap because you knew family was my weak point, it fine to have just showed me that I am a very mad person, I am one crazy and stupid person for liking my parents and siblings than my immediate family because I should have gave a second thought before divorcing my wife thank you.

Thank you for breaking my trust in you my parents, what has Shade done to you? She has always been in support of I and my family, she only wanted the best for us, she might have come from a poor background but she has a good heart, she is full of sense, you are considering Shade because of your selfish interest today because Juliana is getting married to the new aspirant and you keep saying caused me a scandal but did you know I investigated the whole thing and it was your former cook and her daughter that was behind the scandal thing , I don't even know why I am explaining things or pouring out how hurt I am to you two because you will never change, you both have a dark heart that I do not think could be cleaned with water or chemicals, that is how dark your hearts are" I said and got into my car and my mom comes to my car, she came to the window of the driver's seat and I wined up, I drove off.


I was just too angry at what happened at the chairman's place that I didn't enter into our room to discuss what we were not supposed to discuss in the living room but I didn't over talk it was my husband who over talked.

I thought as I watch my son drive out of the compound.

I angrily turn to my husband.

" This why I never let you handled anything! It's all your fault that our son knows all the truth, Just when I thought for the first time in your life you came up with a very reasonable idea, you ruin it with your over talking! I slammed.

" What's my fault in all of this? Do you ever take to my ideas? That is why I let you come up with your ideas where has it landed us? He says angrily.

Whatever I just said is the truth, it is nothing but the truth, he has every right to be mad at us if he is! He says.

I know my husband is right but I want to make amendments now so that we can still have this power but now that he knows the truth especially faking the kidnap of us and making him divorce his wife.

My husband returns into the house angrily and I followed him.

I walked to him and sits on his laps in the living room.

"Honey I am so sorry, I was just too angry that everything were just happening at the same time" I said.

"And it's not my fault ? You know it we were just discussing? He says softly looking into my eyes.

" Yes, I know and I am so sorry " I said and kiss him.

" Honey, I was just thinking about we going to plead with our son, we need this power than anything, we need this power badly, I mean I am just thinking of you and I forming that political party and looking for Shade and bringing both of them together, your idea is the best" I said.

he looked at me, he slowly raise me up and place me back on the chair, he stood up straighten his dress and walks towards the stairs.

" I do not know you were this hungry for power because I thought what you are supposed to care about right now is how we are now despised by our son, how the remaining of our children will react to us when they finds out, how to win their heart back to us but all you could think is how to form our own political party and be in power, I can only imagine the kind of mother you are " he says and climbs the stairs.

I sat down quietly my husband is right but I do not feel regret because whatever I am doing is for the best of the family, Nothing else.

If I what my son to be at the top place , I did no bad, I know I hurt my children but I am not doing this for me alone but the entire family and generations to come, I do not know why my husband feels like I am the worst human being on heart, whatever I am doing for Kunle is out of the love I have for him.

I need to meet him and plead with him because we have to make this party work, I know what is more important now is finding Shade and her daughter and bringing her together, I know two of them will forgive and do what I want.

I know they want this power and I want this power too and with this I can win both of them heart to me.

I thought and I pick up my hand bag where I dropped it, I unzip it and bring out my cellphone and speak to one of my police friend, she is a woman, a high ranked police that can help me get a very good private investigator that can help me find Shade.

I dialed my friend line, she picked on the fourth ring.

" Hello sissy, please are you less busy, we need to speak" I said.

" I am very busy today, what about tomorrow? She asked

" Yeah , tomorrow is good , I can even talk to you about it now, I need a very good private investigator that could help me find someone" she says.

"Okay" she replies.

"I will check the listen of the ones I have here that are competent and I will send you a number, you should speak with the person yourself.

" Thanks I really appreciate" you said and hangs the call.

I felt so happy that I still have hope with Shade for the power to come into my family. All I have to do is beg and bring them to stand for our party I believe we would have everyone's support" I said to myself smiling.