

Seeing us is enough to talk about bathe class we belong to.

My mom kept showing off even my dad was so excited while  I was also extremely happy, the traditional wedding went smoothly and at the end of the party, so many dignitaries came to shake me, I feel on top of the world for getting handshake with dignitaries. 

After the whole party we return to our suite, I thought to go to my Felix suite and when I got to his room , I found him with two girls.

Tears dripped down my face , yes I know this is his real life but he could at least respect our wedding night.

I just left out of anger , I returned to my suite , I couldn't say a word to anyone , I just went to bed in tears.

The next morning was my wedding day.

I was about wearing my wedding dress and my friends were like I should wear a particular lingerie that my husband would love it.

I smile and excuse myself to the toilet, I stood staring at the myself inside the toilet tears dripped down my face because I know what awaits me.

Everybody enjoys their wedding night but I know I would be beaten on my wedding night before being slept with.

I quickly dry my tears , I entered into the room and return to my friends giving a fake smile.

I tried as much as possible to give them a fake smile.

I could see my friends jealous of me, they even said they can't wait to meet a man like my husband, I thought within myself , If only they know what I go through they will never wish for a man like Felix.

The car came took me to the venue because I asked for an outdoor wedding too but not a beach wedding, we used a very beautiful resort was where we use for our wedding, it was well decorated.

He was waiting at already for me to match in, normally every bride will smile seeing their groom but mine was different, my chest began to pound hard in fear for what was going to happen next after the whole party.

We were blessed by the priest, we said our vows and exchange rings at the wedding reception, we danced, it was awesome, we had a very big wedding cake , we also change our reception wears twice, immediately the party ended , I began to fear.

The car took us to our hotel suite and when he turn on the light, there were already a man and a woman in their underpants.

I look back at him and he was smiling.

" Those are your wedding gifts, I know you like it" he says.

I look back at him, it's our wedding  night, How can he bring some other men into our matrimonial room.

" It's supposed to be both of us , we are not supposed to have other men , here with us" .

He hit me so hard on my face , I held my face and he hit me on the second cheek "

" How dare you question what I planned for our honeymoon? He yelled at her.

He dragged me with hair, threw me in the bed.

" You know it that I do not like control, I do what I like" he said and started beating me, he beat me that I couldn't even stand back to my feet.

 He quickly paid the man and the woman to leave and he beat he began to have sex with me.

I wept through the whole night, I was in pain, I couldn't stand to my feet.

He woke up by four in the morning and wanted a morning sex, He had sex with me again.

We woke up again by ten in the morning, I just lay in the bed because I  can't even stand to my fight.

I try to raise my body to go and pee but I couldn't.

He noticed me and ask me what I wanted to do, I said 

"I wanted to pee and my body hurts" I said.

He got out of the bed , carried me out of the bed  in a bridal to the toilet , He place me on the toilet seat.

I was in serious pains, he took me to the bed, he looked sober seeing me.

He held my hand.

" I am sorry" he says.

" I just wanted to do something different for us last night.

I brought those people to perform for us live , I wanted them to give us a live sex performance before having our wedding night but after beating you I was turn on, you know I hate when you try to go against my decision" he says.

" But I never go against your decisions, What I did was more like asking a question? You can at least explain to me" I said.

" I am sorry , I will try my best to change" he says.

" What about meeting a therapist " I asked him.

" I will try baby" he says.

Just like my sister said abusive men don't change, I should expect more beating because I know even a therapy cannot change this man, I know it.


For sometime now , I and Nick as been speaking on phone, sometimes he comes around and we would talk.

It's barely two weeks that we got to know each other but it feels like years for me, the connection, the vibe between us is something really different, I can feel it deep down in me that Nick would love me better than the way Simi loves me, Simi gives me too much cold shoulders.


It's my first day at school, it's such a beautiful day, I met with new people, I make new friends.

I was rushing back home because of my son and I saw someone who looked like Simi walked towards a car, I stood wandering if he was the one or not because I do not want to feel embarrassed going to the person and the person to turn out not to be Simi.

I thought of calling him.

I called him but the person didn't look back, I called again and this person didn't look back again, then I stopped yelling Simi's name and concluded the person wasn't Simi.

I felt sad again, tears began to build up in my face but I tried to push it back.

I walked to the road, I waited to pick a bus.

I wish I would just see him and ask him what my sins are.


I drove through the high way and my mind think back to while I was going back to my car, I heard a voice calling  my name, it was fainted but the voice looks familiar.

I can't really say where I heard that voice but I know the voice or could that voice be Peju's voice? I thought.



I think I have known Jessica beyond how much I need to know her.

It's true she is blind but she is beautiful inside and out, she is just exactly what I want, I want my parents to meet her.

But first of all, I want to engage her.

I plan to engage her today.

I bring out the ring box from my drawer and I stare at it and smile.

We have a dinner date today and I plan to surprise her today.


My mom came to my office, she drop her handbag.

"Good afternoon mom" I greeted.

" You didn't tell me you are coming " I said to my mom.

" So now I need to call you before coming over to your house" She says.

" No, mom, I didn't mean it that way , what I mean is I wasn't aware you were coming around" I said to my mom. She walks to the lounge to sit.

" Son, I told you to come see I and your Dad but you refuse to come so I had to come myself" My mom said.

" I am so sorry mom" I said and go to sit with her at my office lounge.

I pick a wine from the small bar in my office , I serve her.

" Thank you" she says smiling.

" It's been three months after the election, you and your fiancée Jessica are yet to give us feed back on the date you have picked" my mom said.

" I don't think both of us want to continue with the whole thing because we haven't even spoken to each other for the past one month" I said to my mom.

" I don't get it? What do you mean both of you haven't spoken for month, if both of you have a disagreement, I can help you two settle it" she says .

" Tell me something mom, was Jessica really that girl that I was dating before my accident? I asked her. 

She was surprised at my question, she paused before answering me while I take note of every of her reaction to my question.

She cleared her throat, cough and look into my eyes.

" What do you mean son? What kind of question is that? Did she say anything to you that she isn't your girlfriend? She asked me?.

" No but I think she wasn't that girl that I was dating before the accident" I said .

" Son, why are you thinking that way? What do you mean , he isn't that girl you were dating before the accident, Jessica is that girl that you were dating before now, she loves you so much, even when I was against your union she wanted to be with you, you have made me fall in love with this girl as my daughter in law, please bring her home to me, I need a grandchild from you" my mom says.

I can tell from how she was reacting that she isn't telling the truth.

" I and Jessica does not want to be together anymore, I am calling off the engagement, when I find the right girl for me I will bring her to you" I said.

" You wouldn't do that? She says and stand up , she was firm in her tone.

" What if I mom? I asked.

" And I will not hesitate to take this business away from you" she says.

" Is that a threat? I asked coldly.

" Try me? Maybe you should ask your sister and brother what I am capable of doing" she says.

" Ofcourse I know, that you hate Shade and would do anything to get rid of her in my brother's life or that you came in between Jumoke and her boyfriend? Or you lying to me about Jessica being my fiancée when you and I know very well that I was deeply in love with someone else? Tell me what more will you do ? He asked.


" How dare you accuse me like I am

trying to ruin your lives! I am trying to put all your life into place but all you could do is make me look like a bad person! You like it or not you will marry Jessica!" She says.

" I am an adult mom, I can choose to marry whoever I wish to and if it's about forcing me to get married, go ahead plan the wedding and you will be the one to marry her on that day" I replied, straighten my dress and walk back to my table.

She walk towards me and look at me in the eyes.

" You will regret taking any rational decisions about this marriage " she says and takes her leave in anger.

I stare at her as she was leaving.

I walk to my car in anger, I enter into the back seat of the car.

I can't he imagine he is calling off the engagement? This is exactly why I wanted the marriage to take place before now but he was pleading that we should give them time which we agreed to but now he is saying he wants to call off the engagement, dies he want the shares in the company moved away from the company, doesn't he want us to get richer with the inheritance of that girl, if that girl marries Simi automatically part of that money will become ours because we would make him invest in all the business and I can get rid of her after five years after all she has no eyes and she is not my choice of a daughter in law but now that this foolish son of mine Simi wants to all off the engagement, how does that money become ours.

Oh God! I can't imagine I have dullard as sons and daughter.

Imagine my daughter bringing a working class man to my house not a CEO or a Billionaire, how do I achieve from a man who work in a breweries company , it's true that he is the general manager but that is not what I want, I do not want a man that has no benefits to my company or the life of my husband or my life, I want a man that will invest in the company.

I need to speak with Jessica's mom, we need to work together to get my son and her daughter married at all cost.


My maid comes to me with a gift bag, I told her to help me check what is in the gift bag.

She check it and told me it's a dress, shoes and purse.

She read out the note that was in it.

" The queen of my heart, I can't wait to see you in this beautiful dress this evening, looking for ward to see your beautiful face again, I love you " 

The words were beautiful. I love it.

I missed him every time he didn't speak with me on the phone or come to check me at night.

The feeling I have when I am around him is so different from the feelings I get whenever I am around Simi, I think it's even high time I call off the whole engagement thing and tell him the truth that I was never his girlfriend that it was just a plan to bring us together, I have Nick now the man I love that I want to be with, I am happy with him and he is also happy with me.

Nick has told me get a high self esteem that I should never look down on myself, He said I might be blind but I have potential, he said I shouldn't let anyone tell me I am blind that I do not deserve my own happiness, He said I deserve my own happiness and yes I deserve my own happiness and I just want to be happy and I deserve the best.

 I do not want anyone dictating my life to me again because I am blind, I have found Nick and I want to be with him.