


I met with the private investigator to  make to helps me find out who sent people to attacked our convoy while coming back from the hospital.


The following day , I went to shop for my wedding dress, posted some few pictures on my instagram.

Most people who aren't post will always hype me in the comment section, they all will be tapping into what having the kind of man I am getting married to.

If they know what I am going through they will never tap into the sorrow I put out on my social media as blessings.

They all think I am the most luckiest person in earth that coming from a poor background and marrying someone like Felix is a great blessing.

If not do the luxury I am getting and I do not want Shade to outshine me in personality I won't be with Felix.

I also got myself a dress that I and Felix will wear to go and vote on the Election Day because Felix father is the incumbent governor that will be vote out but Felix has confidence in his father that he will remain there to go on a second Term.

I got home and as I got there I saw him on top another lady.

Tear dripped down my face, I took what was in my hand to the bedroom, I dropped them in the bed.

I sat down on the edge of the bed, tears dripped down my face.

" What kind of marriage is this? I asked myself.

I lied down to cry until I drifted into sleep.



The Election Day is finally here, I woke up early and dressed up in suit because I have to go to the polling unit.

I try to stop my wife from coming with  me but she came along with me to give me her support and vote.

She also dressed up looking like that undisputed First Lady.

We stepped out with our Nanny to the polling unit.

We got out of the car with our body guards guarding us because of the previous attack on our convoy when we were returning from the hospital.

Shade had our baby in the hand while I help her hand I voted and she gave the baby to me , she also voted , there press came to us ask some few questions which we both answer.


We were dressed to go to the polling unit , he asked me help him get some tea from the maid which I did, I missed my step and the cup went up and tea poured on his suit , I quickly went down on my knees to beg, he didn't listen to anything, he bragged me with my hair and started beating me that he won't be in the look he want because of my carelessness.

After beating me he went to change into something different. He told me he is waiting for me because he wouldn't want anyone asking why he didn't come with me that he is not e ready to reply anyone's questions.

I slowly stood up because I do not want to be beaten again.

I quickly shower again and use my make up to make my face look nice, I dressed in another dress that will wouldn't show all the bruise in my body.


I and my husband stepped out in confidence to vote.

Because I know my son will win no matter what? Finally we would have the power in my family.

We stepped out of our convoy to vote at the polling unit and the press came to us and ask few questions.

We return home waiting patiently for result.


I was in deep pain when we got to the polling unit , I wept till we got to the polling unit, I manage myself to get out of the car to vote, we voted and return into our convoy, we return to home.

My mom called and began her to say so many things, how she couldn't contain her joy seeing camera focus on both of us when we went to vote that someday she knows that I and Felix will someday become like Kunle and Shade that I should push Felix next year to talk to his father that he should become a governor.

Tears dripped down my face because my mom doesn't care if I go through hell or not all she cares about is that I am out there , her daughter is out on the screen, people are talking about her, she is on magazine, she is on the news, showing off is all she care about.

I didn't reply everything she was saying on phone, when she was done , I hang the call.


I went to vote and  I kept praying to God for a miracle to happen, I pray to God to help me find Peju.

After voting , I entered into my car but I didn't drive off, I tried looking around maybe I can see that same face that I saw in the video. I didn't and I drove back home.


I feel so happy that the next day I will start getting ready to kick that girl call Shade out of Kunle's life, I feel

So happy that very soon Kunle will be swear in as a Governor and he will divorce Shade because he would have no choice this time because I will become the First Lady, I and my dad went to the polling unit and vote happily.


I and my mom went to the polling unit , we voted and was about going back when I heard a familiar voice ,it was the voice of the man that saved me that day.

" Nick" I called out.

" Yes" he replies.

I smile happily, I do not even know why I felt so excited about meeting him again.

" Mom this is the guy that saved me that day that I was almost knocked down by the car that have a brake failure " I said.

My mom thanked him while she excuse us to talk.

" Hi" he says.

" Hi" I replied.

" I don't know but can I have just an hour of your time tomorrow, I mean I want to invite you for a dinner date tomorrow, I can pick you up myself" he say.

It's my first day ever that an able man has asked me out for a date , I am not going to refuse because I am engaged , I just want to feel what it feels like being asked out by an able man , I know I am engaged to an able man but that didn't happen in my way, it happen in my mom's way.

I can feel a strong connection between us.

" time" I ask.

" 5:00pm so that we would come back early because I wouldn't want your mom to start getting worried.

"Alright" I replied.

He held my hand and walk me to my mom.

" Have a nice day Ma, Have a nice day Jessica" He says and takes his leaves

We entered into the car, I kept smiling at myself.

"I noticed you have been smiling at yourself for a while now , what's going on? My mom asks me.

" nothing mom" I said.

" Nothing? I just want you to know one thing that you are someone's future wife so don't catch feelings" my mom says.

I didn't say a word but within me I know I am going out on a dinner because I know if I tell her about me going to dinner with Nick she would go against it because of Simi that we do not have a single connection.


I ad my husband return home waiting patiently for election results.

My husband is being restless , he couldn't even eat properly, even I am

but we can't be like this together.

I kept calming him down .

At night about seven, the elections were round up and they began to count until about nine and the incumbent Governor was announced winner by leading with twenty votes.

We were disappointed, my husband tear up even I tear up, I embraced my husband.

We both cried , my husband was hurt.

"You tried because the incumbent Governor could only win you a first timer with just twenty votes" I said.

" But he still win" he said.

" Yeah, but you remain my Governor, you are the winner to me" I said.

He looked at me and gave a faint smile, he held my hand , he kissed me.

" Thank you " he says.


The moment the winner was announced, I got pissed .

I was angry, I can't believe Kunle didn't win.

" I have always knew that the moment my son fell for that girl that failure is bound to happen because that girl is nothing but a bad luck.

What's her purpose in my son's life! i stood pacing around.

My husband has no word for what happens he just stood up because he is heartbroken.

First thing tomorrow morning, I am going to that house to throw that girl

out of that house.

I am taking away that baby from her and throwing her out.

I kept pacing around in anger.

My phones began to ring, my husband phone began to ring, we couldn't pick the calls because of how hurt we are because of how angry we are.


I lie down but couldn't sleep, I don't know what next because everything that bring I and Kunle together as come to an end.

The election, I am scared I will be thrown out by his party and his mom.

I know he loves me so much but what if his party and his parent pressures him to leave me alone. He might divorce me most especially that the party lost.

I love my husband so much and I am not ready to leave him.

He was cuddling me and I guess he noticed that I wasn't sleeping , he raises his body and looked into my eyes.

" You are not sleeping " he say and turn me to face him.

" I couldn't sleep " I said.

" Why sweetheart, are you thinking that of the election?I asked.

" The election and so many other things " I said.

" Other things like what? He asked.

" Other things like now that the election is over , you will be forced to divorce me and the fact that you didn't win made it easier, they might feel my reason for being in your life is worthless" I said .

" Says who? Your reason of being in my life is worthwhile, you are one of the best thing that has ever happen in my life, no one can come between us, I promise to protect you and I mean it, I know it's going to be a difficult battle to fight , I know the party members and mom will say so many things to hurt us and also separate us but I am here" he says, he kissed me.

"I love you and I will always stand by you in whatever hurdles comes our way, I love you so much" I said.

" I love you too" I replied and we cuddled again.


After the voting, we went home and at evening we went to state house to know the election results.

The election was counted and my father in law was declare the winner, it was a huge jubilation.

I felt so happy that Kunle didn't win the election that they loose to my father in law party at least for now they will be in the hiding, I will be out there, people will talk about my I and my fiancée, my marriage will be the talk of the town and it going to be lit" I said to myself.

We had celebrations in the state house, discussion on my marriage that will be coming up this weekend began amongst the women, I felt on top of the world.

I forgot all about Felix always abusing me at that moment, the only thing on my mind was how lit my wedding would be , the number of dresses that I will change to on my wedding day.

The press are going to be there, it will be shown on the T.v.


We invited the pastor to bless the baby and we name him Kelvin , his father's middle name, I know he isn't the best man but I found myself not forgetting him or giving up on our coming together again.

I know his love for me has always been genuine, I want to be strong for myself, my family and my son but I also want to look at my son and see my love in my son.

After the naming ceremony I began to plan my going to school, my mom will always help me take care of him, I will go  to school and return everyday.



I and Felix dress up with every other members off the family for Father in law's first conference at the political party hall.

We went to the place in a convoy.

I was all smiles till we got to the party hall, people greeting themselves hapilly.

We walk to the stage and we were cheered to the hall by party members with my father in law and mother in law taking the lead.

We the daughter in laws and the our husband stood behind them.

Father in law gave his speech and his party members clapped for him.

He was given an ovation standing by his party members.

I looked at myself happily that people are seeing me on the screen right now, my level and class has changed.

I am now higher than Shade that I use to hype.


My mom called very early in the morning while my wife was breast feeding Daniella.

I sit up to receive the call, I stood  up and kiss my wife.

" Good morning my love" I said.

" Good morning, my heartbeat " my wife replied.

" Sounds cool baby, I love that , use that pet name for me more often" I said.

" Hello mom" 

" Can you see what I was telling you about that girl , what's her use in your life ? She is nothing but a bad luck, she didn't bring our party any luck listen, it is time for her to go, she is done with her work! Moreover even with her we lost the election so what's the use of her in your life and if you like let her stay , I will personally come over and throw her out of that house" she says yelling at the top of her voice, I didn't say a word, I just hung up the phone because I won't let anyone dictate what I will do in my home, my wife is going nowhere, she is already my wife and I will protect her.