Song Meixiu is a loyal wife to her 4 years wife, Zheng Xiaohui. Zheng Xiaohui is a young lady from a middle-class family, the Zheng Clan. - This is a work of fiction. Everything said is made up by the author so please, don't take it seriously.
"Did I say that the one holding the company is part of their family? It's still unknown to the public but I think the Chairman is only a trusted person."
Of course, Wenqian has to lie. Indeed, Meixiu is still not part of the Ren family but the Master already accepted her.
Meixiu still is taking baby steps in stepping inside the Ren family. The girl also knows the danger she is going to get into if she fastens the process.
Meixiu is still known as the useless wife of Xiaohui. The one rubbish who can't do anything but chores. Wenqian is very keen to help her cover herself.
Wenqian knows how the lady of Ren's family moves. And the way to bring her down is to hide Meixiu away.
"But, haven't you seen the Chairman? Didn't you two meet already?" Mingxia asks Wenqian.
The girl suddenly stands up making the old man stand up as well. Wenqian looks at Grandpa Zheng.
"I still have to do something, you can announce to everyone here that the partnership between Sapphire Group and Zheng Company is happening."
"Of course, this way to the stage" Grandpa Zheng guided Wenqian to the stage.
Meixiu turns her attention to them as Grandpa Zheng grabs everyone's attention. She felt someone holding her hand making her look at Xiaohui.
"Don't mind me, I'm just nervous" Meixiu smiled. She rubs her thumb on Xiaohui's hand.
Being just one table away from them, Tingfeng could only huff a breath and look away from them. He's jealous but he knows he didn't have the right to stop them as they are married.
"I held this party to announce that Sapphire Group and Zheng Company are officially tied up. I'm also here to announce the new director of the company."
Qiang look at Xiaohui who is preparing herself. He smirks before he slowly back away from his chair.
"Please welcome..."
"Zheng Qiang!"
Everyone at their tables claps their hands to Qiang who stands up and looks around. His eyes met Xiaohui who seems on the verge of crying.
He sent an annoying smile before walking up the stage to his grandfather. Xiaohui naturally stand up and left the hall. Wenqian doesn't feel giddy at the announcement.
Meixiu wants to follow her but she decided to stay a little as Grandpa Zheng seems to be happy to announce something.
"As I present you this party, I told everyone that the Chairman will arrive right? Maybe she is already here."
Everyone talked to themselves.
The Chairman is a girl!?
Then their daughter doesn't have any chance? Will their sons would have a chance?
But it's the modern generation and the Chairman is probably open to same-sex marriage.
"Please welcome, the Chairman of Sapphire Group!"
Everyone claps their hands and looks around to see if someone is going to stand up. After a minute, they all stop and murmur around.
As everyone is busy talking to each other, Meixiu slowly rises.
This caught everyone's attention.
No way, it couldn't be the useless wife of Xiaohui!
Tingfeng gulp and look around before he met Mingxia's eyes. They both shiver as the thought of Meixiu being the Chairman cross their minds.
"Bastard! What are you doing!? Sit down!" Qiang quickly tried to use his authority.
"Outsider! Leave and comfort your crying wife! Are you going to pretend to be the Chairman!?"
But Meixiu decided to ignore all their complaints. She went straight to Wenqian as everyone held their breath.
The two seem like they were close. Was she really the Chairman?
After speaking with Wenqian, Meixiu quickly left to find her wife. Wenqian was left alone standing.
She approaches Grandpa Zheng and harshly grabs the microphone.
"This is the Vice-Chairman of Sapphire Group. Ms. Meixiu was commanded by the Chairman..."
Everyone released a breath of relief. Even Tingfeng and Mingxia who are both shivering sigh.
It wasn't as if Meixiu is the Chairman. It was because she met the Chairman outside.
"... Whom she met outside to say that the contract between Zheng Company and Sapphire Group is invalid."
After saying the message, Wenqian quickly left the stage shocking everyone.
Just earlier, the old man is so happy to announce it to everyone but now he felt like his heart stops on beating.
"What!? Grandpa! What happened!?" Qiang's face was full of terror.
This is the biggest project of the Zheng Company but it vanishes as soon as he was announced to be the director.
Grandpa Zheng turns to look at Qiang and slaps him across his face.
"Did you provoke Ms. Zhong!?"
"What!? Grandpa! I know who to look down and look up to! I won't provoke someone higher than us!"
"Then, why did the Chairman suddenly say it's off!"
Qiang quickly looks down. He did remember how Wenqian treat him and his sister. Maybe it's because Xiaohui told her about it.
"Maybe it's Xiaohui" Qiang slowly stands up and balled his fist.
"What will Xiaohui do with this!?"
"Grandpa, don't you see the disdain look Ms. Zhong is giving us!? I think that was caused by Xiaohui."
Grandpa Zheng quickly nodded his head before he looks at Qiang.
"You are a bastard! You let us lose the 60 million contract! Now I am going to appoint Xiaohui as the director!"
After saying that, Grandpa Zheng leaves the hall to find Xiaohui. Qiang was shocked when he heard this.
Mingxia approaches him and held his shoulder.
"It's Xiaohui right?"
"Yes, but the problem is... The Vice-Chairman is trusting her wholly. I don't know what she said to her but I can know it soon."
Meixiu saw Xiaohui on the sidewalk, a Villa away from the Zheng Villa. She was sitting with her hand covering her face as her shoulder shook.
She felt weak upon seeing her wife like this so she approaches Xiaohui and hug her. The smaller girl hugs her back tightly.
"I thought... Grandpa will do what he promised but he didn't!"
"It's he loses, don't cry, baby."
"But... I can use that position so Mom won't argue with you again."
Meixiu's heart melted. She slowly brings breaks the hug and looks at Xiaohui's face.
"Are you sure you don't like me? It seems like it" Meixiu tried to tease her.
Xiaohui quickly smacks Meixiu's shoulder.
"Are you an idiot? My father said don't let Mom say bad things to you! Didn't you also see Grandma saving you!?"
Meixiu smiled and hug Xiaohui again.
"I know that and don't worry about me, I can handle everything they said."
Xiaohui quickly push Meixiu away from her as she realizes that their bodies didn't have any space.
She blushes at the thought and thanks someone above as it's dark outside and Meixiu won't be able to see her.
Meixiu knew very well Xiaohui's action but decided not to tease her.
She stands up, confusing Xiaohui with her action.
"Let's go home now, the party is probably over" Xiaohui nodded her head and stands up.
As the two of them starts to walk away, they heard a quiet yell from the distance.
The said girl quickly turn around and saw her grandfather, walking in their direction.
Xiaohui stops walking as she furrows her eyebrows at Grandpa Zheng's action.
The old man finally reaches their direction and pant for a while. He quickly held Xiaohui's hand making the girl to be confused.
"Xiaohui, come back to the party. You will be the director."
"But, you just announce that Qiang is the director."
"I know and it's a terrible decision" Meixiu raises her eyebrows at Grandpa Zheng's acting.
The old man met her eyes but never said anything.
"You are the only one who Ms. Zhong trusted among us and I want you to be part of our company, to be the director of the company."
Xiaohui's face turns serious.
Did Grandpa just want me back because of the contract?
Does he think I am only there to tighten the tie between the two companies?
Grandpa Zheng felt Xiaohui's mind was thinking of something so he quickly held her other hand.
By doing it, Meixiu's hand was left alone.
"Xiaohui, don't think that I am doing this for the contract. I am doing this because I also wanted to give you the director position."
Grandpa Zheng's mind clearly disagrees.
"It's for all the things that I have done. An apology offer so I hope you accept it."
Grandpa Zheng's face twitches a little. If he is to say sorry, it won't mean anything to Xiaohui and her family.
He despised them. And he will never be willing to apologize even if he killed anyone from her family.
Keep calm and comment something! I want to see how hype you all are! Thank you for the power stones! I'll continue writing :)
Also, how can I remove the power stone? I accidentally gave my story a power stone yesterday☺ or I can't? It's fine! I'll support myself :)